Can you stay with me?

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I was awoke today by hearing Shane screaming. We were all planning to head out to look for Sophia. Oh, I don't think I mentioned that, right before finding the farm Sophia got lost in the woods when we encountered a herd. Poor Daryl is out there constantly trying to find this girl. Its been so long though, I feel like I've lost hope but I would never say that out loud. I couldn't let Daryl or Carol know that I don't think this will end well. 

Stepping out my tent, as all my joints pop and crack (I so badly miss having a bed). I look to see what all this commotion was when I heard Shane scream "there are walkers in the barn." WHAT THE HELL? Walkers in the where? We've been living on this farm with a barn full of walkers. I join the group, noticing Daryl really isn't saying much. Rick is trying to calm Shane down, which as usual isn't going well. Rick is right in what he's saying, we need this farm, we need some kind of safety but what if those walkers break out the barn? We could all be dead.

Daryl glanced at me and then walked away. What compelled me to follow him I'm not sure but I did. "Hey Daryl, wait" I yelled, "what is it y/n?." Ok, maybe I should have left him go, last thing I want is him to be annoyed with me. Fumbling through my thoughts I come out with "Would you come with me to look for Sophia today?" He stops looking me up and down "nah, I think I'm gonna take one of the horses out to cover more ground," he says. "Yeah sure no problem, be safe," I reply, turning and heading back to the group. I am so embarassed, with all this craziness going on my mind is occupied with how ridiculous I am. Thinking anyone let alone Daryl would want to spend any time with me is ridiculous.

Everyone dispersed and went about doing their chores, temporarily ignoing the walkers in the barn. You know this isn't going to end well but you climb the RV to take watch. Thankfully its been pretty quiet since this morning. Teams went out searching for Sophia, you and Andrea stayed behind to keep the farm safe. Hearing the clang of the ladder I turn to see Andrea coming up. "Hey y/n, my turn, why don't you go ahead and take a break." "Sounds good to me," I reply climbing down the ladder. I decide to go lay down in my tent for awhile. Suddenly its pure chaos again. Andrea screaming walker, Dale telling her not to shoot. You hear Rick and Shane screaming as you come out your tent, realizing they just came back from their search for Sophia. Next thing I know people are screaming Andrea shot Daryl, DARYL???? I took off running towards Rick as he and Shane carry an unconscious Daryl to the house. I run aheadyelling for Hershel to come help. Laying Daryl on the bed, Hershel tells us all to step out while he takes care of Daryl. 

You stand outside the door waiting, preparing yourself for the worst. Shane keeps looking at you, you know he has something to say. "What do you even care y/n?" he asks me. "I don't want anything to happen to anyone," you reply. "Daryl couldn't care less what happens to anyone here, don't waste your time caring for someone like him," he tells you. Man I hate this guy but I don't want to cause any trouble. He gives me one creepy ass wink as the door opens, Hershel walks out. "He's gonna be fine, she just grazed him, looks like somehow he shot himself with an arrow, hes stitched up just needs some rest. You can go in and see him now," he directs at you. 

You slowly walk in the room, hes' laying there on the bed, eyes closed, looking vulnerable for the first time since you've met him. "Just get out" he says. "Oh, ok I'm sorry" I stutter my words. "Wait y/n, come back," he calls, "thought it was that asshole Shane." He tries sitting up but grunts in pain. "Daryl, please lay back, Hershel stitched you up and you need to rest." "Nah I gotta talk to Rick about finding Sophia's doll." I touch his shoulder trying to get him to lay back down, he looks at my hand and lays his on top of mine. Have a I mentioned how amazing this man is? Get an arrow in the side, shot, looks like he went through hell and back and he still is still worried about finding Sophia. Shane doesn't know what he's talking about, Daryl cares so much for others. 

"How about I go get Rick and you can show him where you found the doll, I'll go out and search the area." I tell him. "You can get Rick, but you ain't goin' out there without me,"he replies. It's at this point I realize my hand is still on his shoulder still covered by his hand. Butterflies settle down would you! 

I got Rick, Daryl showed him on a map where he found the doll. He told us how the horse bucked him off and he fell down a hill, hence the arrow in the side. Rick said he would get a crew together and go check along the river in the morning. "Get some rest Daryl, we got it covered," Rick told him as he walked out the room, leaving Daryl and I alone again. "Um, well ok then, I'll leave you to get some rest then," I told him. I didn't want to leave, I stood there so awkward for a minute when Daryl reached for my hand. "Hey y/n, can you stay with me tonight? You know incase anything happens?" was he blushing?? "Yeah of course Daryl, I'll sleep over on the chair" I told him. He's still holding my hand, I wonder if he can feel how much I'm shaking. "Don't gotta do that," he says as he slides over on the bed, grunting as he does. "Daryl stop, you're hurting yourself," I say with concern. "You ain't sleeping on the chair, get in here," he gestures, pulling my arm towards him as I crawl into bed. You ever get butterflies so bad you feel like puking?? Yup that's me, right now, holy crap!!! The bed isn't too big and I don't know where to position myself, I lay facing away from Daryl while he's on his back, his arm rests on the bed touching my back as I hear his breaths slowly even out and light snores begin. I don't know if I can sleep, how is this even real? Does he like me? Is it possible? I mean he could get any of the women around here, I'm nothing but yet here I am, he asked me to stay with him. Ok calm down y/n, try to relax before you wake him with your freaking out. After about another half hour I feel sleep begin to take over.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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