Wherever you are

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          "Alora, honey I need you to get up, it's about Ever." My mother coos trying to wake me. As soon as I hear Evers name I shoot up. It's been exactly 336 hours and 28 minutes. 14 days, since anyone's heard from Ever before she disappeared into nothingness.

         "Did they find her, is she okay?" I say frantically jumping out of bed and hurriedly getting dressed.

          "They found her necklace on the taintracks. They think it's a good chance she's not here anymore sweetie. I've lost my baby forever." My mother cries out. I can't imagine losing a child. She's gotten thinner and sick looking. This has taken its toll on her horribly. 

         "That doesn't mean anything. Maybe it fell off mom. She's not gone. I still feel her, I promise you I do. We'll find her mom." I say tears streaming down my face. I feel so guilty for letting her go to that stupid party alone. I blame myself for her disappearing. If I would of just sucked it up and went with her she would still be here. But no I was too tired and didn't want to go and now this is all my fault.

          "It's been 2 weeks Alora. I can't keep holding onto the fact she might burst through the front door singing and be okay. I just can't anymore." My mother let's out a wail.

           "I'm not giving up, I'll search the whole country if I have to. I know she's alive still. I just know it and I'll prove it to you." I say crying harder. I can't give up. Not yet. Not when I can still feel her existence. I feel like if she was gone I would feel it. They've described losing a twin online and it feels like a hole inside of you, that you're missing something and it won't come back. I don't feel that. I can feel her still. I know she's alive and I'm going to find her. Even if I get hurt in the end, I just want my sister back. "I'm going out and searching again. The cops might want to give up and just say she's dead but I'm not." And with that I walk away from my bedroom with my mother wailing for her little girl.
           As I pass Evers room I can't help but go in. It's exactly how she left it. Mom hadn't gone in here since she's been gone. I plop on her bed and am immediately hit with the smell of her shampoo in her pillow. I didn't even know I was crying until my tears stained her pink silky pillow case. The last two weeks have been a nightmare that I just want to wake up from. I want to wake up and have her standing in the kitchen trying to cook everyone breakfast and burning it in the process for everyone to wake up to the smoke detectors. I want to catch her trying to go into my closet and yell at her for taking my clothes and letting her wear them anyways.

          "I don't know where you are Ever, but I promise I'm coming." I get up from the bed and make my way downstairs and to the front door. It's about 10 in the morning so I have all day to search for her. This has been my routine for the last 2 weeks. Wake up, search all day, come home at dark, go to bed and do it all again the next day. I just want my sister home. And I won't stop until you do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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