Little Chapman

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"Damm why it isn't little Piper Chapman, hows it going little pips" Widow said with a smirk. Piper turned her head eyes wide open to see her old friend from school College.

"I...I haven't seen you since college omg h-how are you doing did you get into prison" Pipers face turned from shocked to confused with some anger, "well stuff happend during college, turned into being an assassin, got...cought and now here" Widow answer with a shrug from her shoulders "but enough about me, what are you doing in prison, miss goddy too shoes piper" she laughed as she gives Piper a hug "NO HUGGING INMATES OR THAT'S A SHOT" shouted a nearby officer.

Piper sigh as she let go "I...dated and helped my ex girlfriend who was a drug dealer and smuggler" Widow started to laugh out loud making some inmates look at her confused "oh god that's funny, what did you actually do to get in here, robed a bank? Did daddy go broke" Piper wasn't laughing and slowly the realisation sink in for Widow "oh shit your not joking...damm piper, if your here where's ya little ex girlfriend, guessing she got scotch free and you took the blame cause 'you love her'".

The girl Piper was with chiped in "no, she's here with us, doing god knows what, umm hi I'm Nicky nice to meet ya" Nicky smiled with her usual flick of her head to acknowledge the new girl "Martinez, Widow Martinez" Nicky chuckle "So black widow do you like pussy" Widow smirked "that's a new nickname and yea I do" she winked at Piper making her red a little "well we better be going it's time for umm dinner" Widow and Nicky laughed as Piper talked still red from the wink.

All 3 walked into the canteen and lined up for the food "little advice so you don't make the same mistake as blondy here, don't talk bad about the chef food, She's called Red or even better don't say anything bad just keep your mouth shut" Nicky warned Widow.

They all sat down at a table and soon came other girls "Widow at the end of the table is Vause on other end, then beautiful Morello" Morello smiled "nice to see you fitting in sweetheart" Widow smiled back with a nod as Nicky continues "then there's Jones who also a yoga instructor if your into that shit then oviously blondie, then there's me and then you have Sister here, a nun not blood related and then Big boo, everyone this is Martinez" Nicky breathed out acting like she kept her breath in "Hay there sweet cheaks, so um ya like women or not like Chapmen here said she's straight but obviously not" Big boo asked Widow as she laughed at Pipers face went from eating to 'are you kidding me' face "I like woman, and single, dating life isn't for me" Widow answer her.

"Oh sweety don't eat the pudding, it's come in canes marked 'desert storm' and while your here see your time as an Mandela, Buddhist monks spend all day making there's beautiful patterns from coloured diy sand just for it to be distroyed at the end of the day, get through prison and at the end it's just a thing of the past" Widow was in amaze at what she said.

A woman came over with a while apron and handed out yougarts "Oh who's this" she said in a Russian accent "Hiya mom, this is Widow Martinez, Widow this is red and no not an actual mom she like a parent figure to me" Widow was in awe at what she said "Hello" Widow siad to Red with a smile, Red smiled back and slide the yougart towards her "Enjoy" and walked back to the kitchen.

Dinner finished and everyone went to do there own thing and Widow followed Piper unaware of Vause behind her "Little Pips wait for me" Widow said sweetly, when she realised Piper didn't stop for her she shouted a little bit louder and speed up a bit to catch her "Hay wait up, don't leave me on my own" Piper laughed as she walked to her bunk to get her jacket, both didn't notice Vause walked passed to her bunk and giving Widow a confused look.

"Guessing the goody too shoes is going for a jog, thought you give up running" Piper looked at her "No, to be honest it just relaxs me" "I know how to make you relax in other ways" Widow smirked aware Vause is giving her a dirty look "Hay, you and the other girl...Nicky was it... mentioned your ex was in the same prison as you, who is it" Widow leaned on the wall curious to know who it is but also got an idea on who "Remember the girl at the other end of the table, her, why do you wanna know" Piper question as she started to walked out of the room with Widow following her to go outside to the yard "Curious" she smirked with a confident walk knowing she just got under Vause skin easily

As Widow was about to go outside she was suddenly draged away by someone, she turned to see who grabbed her and saw Vause "Oh hay Vause is it uhh what's wrong" she said acting clueless "WE need to talk" Vause said with a hint of anger and draged her to an empty storage room.

"Who are you to Piper, there's no way you two become friendly that quick" Vause looked at her confused "Oh haha me and little pipes go well back we use to be good friends and... ex lovers" Widow smiled

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