{°•~Relaxing in the bedroom~•°}

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Gregory made it into the bedroom and sat on the bed with Evan still in his arms. Gregory laid down so Evan would be comfortable. He didn't want him to be uncomfy.

"Are you tired..? It was soo hot outside."

"Mhm.. " Evan said as he slowly drifted off to sleep in Gregory's arms.

Gregory quietly giggled as he saw Evan fall asleep. He ruffled his very soft and fluffy hair as he was watching him. He thought he would never see anyone this... beautiful in his arms. He definitely loved Evan. His absolute crush was in his arms sleeping peacefully which made him blush. He was in love with Evan, he has for a long time but he's to... nervous to say he loves him. He's afraid he would say no and that... that would leave him heart broken.Gregory made a small sigh. He just wanted to tell him but just couldn't have the courage to tell him he was in love. Gregory slowly drifted to sleep but before he did.. he kissed Evan on his head.

\\ 12:25 pm \\

It was 12:25 pm. It was the afternoon. Gregory woke up and quietly yawned making sure not to wake up Evan. He put his hand on Evan's head ruffling his hair as he felt Evan gently breathing on his chest. Gregory was slowly turning into a deep pink. Evan looked... beautiful.. the most beautiful boy in Gregory's eyes. About 8 minutes go by and Evan slowly wakes up. Gregory looks down at Evan smiling.

"Did you have a good sleep? Hehehe.. "

Evan made a small yawn before replying. Gregory's smile was a little wider after he yawned. He loved his yawn. Evan's yawn was heart warming to him.

"Mhm.. " Evan said in his morning voice. His morning voice was just a little deeper than his real voice.

"What do you want to do next?... You don't have to answer now.. I will let you wake up okay?.. " Gregory said in a calm and quiet voice.

"M-Maybe go on a walk outside..? It's very sunny out. " Evan replied back to Gregory.

"Ok..! We can do that whenever you are awake fully." Gregory said to Evan as he sat up a little more holding Evan close to his chest so he wouldn't fall. He sat on the side of the bed with Evan in his arms. Evan stretched a little in his arms. Gregory saw him stretching so he placed him on his side, making it more easier for him to stretch. Gregory did the same as Evan since he didn't get to. They both sat on the bed until Evan was ready to go outside. They both got their shoes on, but before they could even tie them or make it out the door... they both saw Elizabeth giving a evil smirk to them.

"You guys are going on a date and didn't even bother to tell me? " Elizabeth said jokingly. She only wanted to give her younger brother and his 'friend' a hard time.

"No we aren't Eli! " Evan said back to her. He was a little annoyed by Elizabeth but since they are siblings.. they just gotta bother each other because they wouldn't be siblings if they didn't.

"Hehehe... I'm just giving you a hard time baby boy." Elizabeth said while picking up her brother like a baby.

"Eli!" Evan said annoyed. He didn't like being called "baby boy" by his sister.

Elizabeth put Evan in Gregory's arms making him hold him the same way she did. She was smiling at both of them. She was honestly about to cry because of how adorable they were.

Gregory gave Evan a smile and Evan smiled back. Gregory placed Evan down and kneeled down to tie his shoes for him. Elizabeth took out her phone and to a picture of them. She secretly sent it to Michael replying with.

// In text //

-Elizabeth-: -sends photo-

-Elizabeth-: Look how cute they are 🥺

That's gay asf- :💀Mikey Wikey💀

-Elizabeth-:No sh!t Mike pftt-

_- :💀Mikey Wiley💀

-Elizabeth-: Bye B!tch 🤪

Elizabeth put her phone back in the pocket of her pants. By the time she was done with that conversation with Michael, Gregory and Evan had both their shoes tied. Evan walked over to the fridge and grabbed two juice boxes. He gave one to Gregory.

"Thank you Evan.! " Gregory said with a smile on his face.

"Your welcome! " Evan said smiling back at him.

Gregory grabbed Evan's hand and opened the front door. Before they could even leave. Elizabeth being the overprotective big sister told them..

"Gregory do not let Evan get hurt. You got that?"

"Of course I do Elizabeth. Why would I let anyone lay a single finger on him? I wouldn't." Gregory said back to her.

"That sounded so gay af-" Elizabeth said with a small smirk on her face.

"I- okay I'm done we're leaving! Come on Evan let's go" Gregory said annoyed at Elizabeth.

Both Gregory and Evan went outside.They held each other's hands and walked on the sidewalk.

°•{Gregory and Evan's Hangout Day}•° [°~Gregory x Evan~°]Where stories live. Discover now