Chapter 5

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I stood in the kitchen with a knife to my throat.

"Shou, you wanna try again?" Ai spoke, threatening to kill me first before going after the club.

"I forgot you weren't there for the joke! I swear, it was a joke! H-hey! Wait, why is the knife getting closer?! What the hell?"

"Once again, explain, or I'll chop up some garlic and hold it to your throat next." Ai threatened me again.

She's straight evil, she knows I'm allergic to garlic... what a bitch? T-T

"Ai!! It was a joke, I promise! The club is actually a host club. I just entertain the ladies for money, to pay off my debts. And before you say it, 'entertain' just means to talk to them and call them pretty or something." I spoke as the knife got even closer.

"What debts?" Her eyebrows furrowed even deeper as her face shifted from angry to confused and stern.

"Yeah about that... haha. So, I may or may not have broken a really expensive teapot..." The knife shifted half a millimeter away from my throat.

"Shou, what the fuck...?" She groans and removes the knife from my throat, "More debt, are you kidding?"

"Well, at least this debt is through the school and isn't extremely hard to pay off. I just have to participate in a club and I was gonna have to do that anyway due to the policy." I defended myself, fixing my collar before heading over to the living room to sit on the couch.

"Shou, I have work tomorrow, after school. I got hired from a job. So, just go to the club, I'm going straight to work after the bell rings." Ai informs me, leaning against the wall after putting the knife back into the block.

"Okay, well, I'll tell you if anything crazy happens."


I wake up from the bell of the last class ringing, my drool all over the chemistry book and a big red mark on my face and hands, "Damn, that was a good ass nap." I whispered to myself before yawning and stretching.

"Oh my god! Did you see his teeth? They're so pointy."

"Wait, they're kinda cute!"

"Shut up! He's still broke, stay away from him. He's only a bad luck charm."

Well, ouch. Guess, I don't have ears, cause they weren't even quiet about it.

I pack my stuff up before heading out the class and over towards the west wing. Haruhi and the twins must have left to go there early. I heard there was an event going on that they were preparing for, anyways.

As I made it to the door, I was prepared this time for the shower of petals, and swiftly and expertly dodged every petal like an idiot that's scared of it. I mean, I am allergic to pollen so...

"Hey, get changed quickly! We're having spring theme in here. It's nature gods as the costume." Haruhi brushed past me with a box of fake (or maybe real) flowers. I don't know, rich people can do whatever they want.

I slip to the back, opening the changing room, but getting confused at which one my clothes are in.

I opened the first one, but nothing.

Second one, empty, not even a thread of clothing in it.

I opened the third one, hoping to see my costume but got met with abs straight to my eyes.

My face heats up and my eyes trailed upwards to the taller male. Staring back at me was the man I tried to avoid the most. My eyes widened again, as does his before I closed the changing room door, screaming, "I'm so sorry!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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