1: moving out

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I was parking most of my things in my room, my clothes, shoes, novels i read and many more. Apparently we were thrown out of our house because of me.

My landlord is very harsh when it comes to kids, he hated noise and each time we made noise at home it pissed him off, he usually comes from his apartment and scold us to stop.

He disconnected our meter on my sweet sixteen birthday party because we were making too much noise, this made me angry, so anytime he comes to blab at me for making noise i made them louder.

One day i increased my house speakers to the maximum and played rock music, i never liked rock music but torturing this man gave me pleasure so i continued, he kept knocking but i didn't open the door.

I played music for hours till i got tired the next day he came rambling at us to pack out of his house so we started packing

fun fact-that day was yesterday

We were moving to Oakenburg a town that was like at the other side of the earth, my dad started building an house there because it was closer to his work and lands there were cheap.

He had only started to paint it when we were thrown out, my dad knew this day would come but not so soon.

I was done packing my things and i moved them to the truck downstairs.

"Make sure to pack all those shoes i helped you design" my brother yelled from his room

My brother my second arch nemesis is so annoying, if you lived with him you will want reap out his throat.

Last summer he spray painted on my shoe as a 'project' for his art class, i knew this was just to get back at me for helping him out with his crush Anne, which he had for over 4 years now.

Long story short she regected him and he took it upon him to make my sweet life miserable.

We finished packing by six in the evening but my father insisted on us staying till nine so as to not        
attract unwanted attention, we didn't even have a send-off party ugh.


We were on the road by eight thirty with the moving truck on our tails, it was nice to move out but also painful for one I did not get to tell my friends that i'm moving. I only brought it up a few times with my best friend and my boyfriend, I had to breakup with him in fear of long distance relationship. Dont judge me Oakenburg is five states away.

So here I am preparing for a new town unknown to me of what is to or happen who I'm to meet.


Three hours and two sleepy heads later the new town was coming in to view, it was a massive town compared to my other one. I found it hard to sleep because of thoughts that kept flooding my brain.

"Dont think to hard you'll strain your brain" my mum said in between snores, "is that even a thing" I said but she was already back to sleep.

"Welcome to the wonderful town of Oakenburg" my Dad said a little too loudly making all three of us jumped up in the process. "Ugh I was finally sleeping" I whined "you don't want to miss this"

That was when we passed the forrest packed mostly with oak trees, now i know where the town got its name "world largest oak forrest" he continued "wooooow very beautiful its worth good good sleep" my brother drawls sarcastically.

"It contains about four hundred oak trees isn't it beautiful" my Dad continued giving my brother a look while doing so.

And so he kept blabbing like we were on tour till we got to our new house

"I guess this is it a new life" I started "no landlords" my brother continued "new beginning" my mom continued "new neighbors" my dad finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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