Chapter nine

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Sirius was fucking sore.

His legs hurt, his arms hurt, his fucking back hurt. Whatever thought had driven him to get a giant fucking bird tattooed on his back the night before had disappeared, and Sirius was left to deal with the painful consequences. From the raw skin surrounding the tree on James' wrist, he wasn't the only one regretting his choices.

"Since there's nine of you," Moony said, standing before the initiates, "One of you won't be fighting today."

Sirius looked towards the chalk board, feeling a slight pang of disappointment when it was Emmeline's name that had no one's written next to it. He shouldn't be feeling disappointed, Sirius thought. That wasn't very Dauntless of him. He should be excited, ready for the fight.

He wasn't.

He was sore and tired and so anxious it hurt.

"First up is James and Zacharias," Moony called out. "Into the ring you go, quickly now."

Sirius clapped James on the back, smiling encouragingly. "You'll do great James, don't sweat it."

James took a deep breath, rolling his neck so it popped, "Thanks mate," he said, walking into the square taped onto the floor. The 'ring', as Moony called it.

Zacharias had unfortunately fallen in with Snivellus and Evan, joining their little group from day one. He was taller than James, but somehow felt less imposing as he walked into the ring, eyes dark against his pale skin, clenching and unclenching his fists nervously.

"Alright," Moony said, now standing at the edge of the ring, "Remember what we've been practicing. Three-"

James squared his feet, raising his fists up.


Zacharias glared at him, pursing his lips and taking a tiny step forward.


Both boys looked as though they were coiled springs, Sirius could taste the tension in the air.


James swung first, and Sirius watched as his fist collided heavily with Zacharias' chin, the sound of the impact loud in the near silence. Zacharias touched a hand to his chin, his scowl deepening as he kicked James' leg, causing the boy to collapse hard on his back, but before Zacharias could plant his foot in James' chest, James rolled over and leapt up.

"Come on James," Sirius murmered under his breath.

"He's doing alright," came a voice from beside him.

Sirius turned his head, it was Marlene. Her hair was in braids again today, though her fringe was pinned back by silver clips that shone dully.

"He'll win," Sirius said, "I know it."

She only shrugged, "I just hope you win your fight."

"Why?" Sirius quickly read the name beside his on the chalkboard. "Evan," he said, "That's Snivellus' little friend yeah?"

Marlene laughed, "Snivellus? That's the best thing I've heard all day." She pointed to Snape and the stocky boy at his side, who laughed as James cried out when Zacharias punched him in the ribs. "That's him there. You'd better win Sirius, those two are horrible."

"You were in the same faction?" Sirius asked.

Marlene nodded, "Snape liked to pick on the little kids in our living space," she glared at the pair across the room, "Liked to take the money their parents gave them for sweets after school."

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