A Fox And A Question

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Hey, Zero here to anyone who is reading this.

I might try different writing styles in chapters to find what works, so bear with me. 


Two days had passed since the conversation between the Commander and Warspite; He hadn't heard anything more from her since then. He was curious about her progress in saving her queen from a ridiculous amount of paperwork but was far more concerned about his current predicament.

A very uncomfortable predicament.

He had found himself in one of the many warehouses on base after being informed by a green-haired cat girl menace that seemed only to want to drain any Gems He or this base had. That's right! He's talking about that warehouse Goblin known to all as Akashi. Of a confrontation between Enterprise and Akagi

Of course, Commander Y/n arrives at the warehouse only to find no one there. 

He slides open the large metal doors. Their bulky frame screech loudly as one is opened, letting the Commander slip in comfortably. 

Commander: Why the hell would those two be in here? Let alone arguing in here?

Walking into the surprisingly well-lit warehouse full of unopened crates and containers, A recently opened container large enough to stand in was only a few feet away, pulled out of its rack. It looks like someone had attempted to seal it in haste. He was about to approach when...

??: Shikikan-sama...Fufufu?

Commander: Ah Shit

A sickly sweet voice enters his ears, sending a shiver down his spine. He was about to turn around and confront fate when he was grabbed from behind.

Commander: EH?!

Strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him back into the person behind, two soft objects pressing against his back, making his mind shut down. Two large fox ears popped up over his shoulder. He was turning his head only to meet blood-red eyes staring back.

Akagi: Don't worry, Shikikan-Sama *Giggles* Akagi is here now. 

Commander: Akagi! where is Enterprise!?

The Commander struggles in Akagi's iron grip, clearly humouring him. She releases him, his effort throwing him forward. Managing to regain his balance, he turns around to face Akagi. 

Akagi: Ahahahaha! Why would I know where that stupid eagle is?

Her eyes briefly lock onto the out-of-place, recently opened the container and then lock back onto Commander Y/n, giving him a not-so-pleasant smile.

Commander's eyes widened in shock and horror, rushing to the container, trying to pry it open, believing that Enterprise was trapped or harmed inside.

Commander: ENTERPRISE!!

Akagi cringes slightly from the volume.

Akagi: Shikikan-Sama! Indoor voice, please! My fluffy ears aren't just for your viewing pleasure *Giggle*

Finally, prying the container open, only to find it empty.

Akagi: Silly Shikikan, did you think I disposed of a pest?? Ahaha, Stupid eagle was never here.

Commander: Then where...

Akagi: Ah, she was never here. Akashi will say anything for a few Gems. 

'I will not strangle a cat today. I will! Not strangle a cat today,'  The Commander thought.

Commander: Why the deception then!?

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