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"Are you ready Gracie?" I asked while I tied my bathing suit top tighter.

"Yep. hey where's that waterproof mascara?" She looked around

"It's right there." I said pointing at my dresser

"Thanks." I nod while she puts some on.

We're going to meet John and Ethan at crystal Springs, we planned it a few days ago. I'm excited but nervous. what if he doesn't like me as much? Uugh.

"Laurenn come on if your ready." my mom screams at us from upstairs.

"Coming mom I screamed and we rush up the stairs grabbing our phones and hopping into the truck before driving off.


We pull up to Crystal Sprigs tell my mom goodbye and head inside. we have our own snack pack they behind the cashier so we didn't have to go the cafe. I feel my hands get sweaty and I get really nervous.

"Gracie I'm nervous." I say looking around and feel myself shaking

"I know! Me too! Hold my hand?" I take her hand as we walk in.

I look around and emmidiatly see John, Ethan and Tyler. oh shit...

"Gracie up the stairs." she looks and she gets wide eyes

"and there fucking walking over here!" She exclaims. before I could react I felt sand being kicked on me.

Hey pu- oh hey John." I chuckle and look down

"Hey Laurenn." he smiles that million dollar smile and opens his arms for a hug. I gladly take his offer and it felt amazing. he's so tall! I go to his shoulder omg

"Umm so y'all gonna swim?" John asked crossing his arms.

"Maybe.." I say turning to Gracie and we laugh.

"Haha okay.. I gotta go do something well be back." I said turning a little."

"Okay." we say together and chuckle.

They walk away and right when they got up the stairs I looked at Gracie "now?"

We throw our towels off && our shorts and splash in the water only to regret it because the water is cold asf!

"Omg cold!!" We are both waist deep.

"I know!!" She squeals.

"Look!" Gracie screams pointing to John and Ethan jumping off the diving board to get in.

"Omg he's hot." I said refuring to John.

"I know!!" I'm guessing aw ment Ethan.

They headed this way and we stood there shaking.

"Y'all cold?" John asked fixing his arms showing off his muscles. he has big biceps and it's so hot! "Laurenn?"

"Huh?? Yeah. I'm cool wait I'm no cold" I said all at one and smiled at the end

"Come here" he held his arms open

"Okay." I chuckled and walked over to him. he hugged me and warmed me up really quick. "oh my gosh your so warm!" I put my hands on his chest as he holds me. I'm not gonna lie I like this.

"Better babe?" He asked looking down at me with a Smirk.

"Hell yeah." He chuckles and hugs my tighter, but I don't mind! This is perfect.

I look back and see Gracie doing the same thing with Ethan, so cute!

"So you gonna jump off the high dive?" John asked

"Oh hell no!" Me and Gracie said at the same time

We laugh an look at each other.

"Come on!" He begged.

"I'm scared of hieghts!!!" I whined

"But I'll be with you! You'll be okay I promise please for me?" He did a puppy dog face.

"Don't u dare do that!" I pointed and chuckled. "Plus I haven't even got my hair wet!"

"Hmm.." He hummed.

"No John! Don't yo-" and before I could say anything else he dunked me under the ice cold water. "ah omg omg cold cold! Come here Hayden!" I scream and jumped on him wrapping my legs around waist and my arms around his neck. I pulled and pulled trying to get him down but it wouldn't work! "Oh come on!" I whined.

"I'm so strong Laurenn" Ughh he said my name... I love it.

"EeRgg" I growled and crossed my arms

He chuckled picked me up off of him and when under. "why did you do that?" I asked

"One my hair was messed up
Two I did it to make you happy since I was dry and it was cold ." he smiled and pulled me close again.. I blush and look down.

"Ugh oh is Laurenn blushing?" He smiled and lifted up my chin.

"Shut up!" I playful hit his shoulder and rolled my eyes.

He's so sweet

"So we got to talk..." he said smiling.


"When your about to leave we can ok?"

"Umm okay..." I smiled. ugh ohh.. I did something wrong... great I messed up.. please don't mess it up!!! Ugh.

"Laurenn chill it's not bad he said grabbing my hands

"How did know I was nervous?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Your shaking like crazy.." curse my stupid shaking

"Sorry!" I look down.

"It's okay. Come on let go to the high dive.

"Okay." I replied while we held hands to the high dive as Gracie and Ethan did the same.

He calls me his TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now