Chapter 1: A Breath of Fresh Air

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(*A dark, empty studio fades in before the lights flicker on as Jordan and Shadow approach it*)

(Shadowlight9743: Wow... has it seriously been that long since anyone's been in here?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, the story's been finished for well over a year, Shadow. There wasn't really a reason to.)

(Shadowlight9743: I know, I know. Still, it's nice being back in this old chair again.)

(*He sits down as the chair makes an audible screeching noise and then he glanced over at a cage*)

(Shadowlight9743: Heh. Remember when Gavin was around?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* *sarcasm* Good times.)

(Shadowlight9743: All seriousness though, why did we come back here? You said you had an idea that involved being back here.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Good question. As I was working on The Savior of Equestria, I've come to realize something. You and Nintega have made ideas involving making changes to some of your old stories and that made me think. What if I did some changes to The Savior of CHS? Not that I'm not happy with what we gave, mind you, but I was just thinking. What if we made it even better? Call it The Savior of CHS 2.0, if you so wish.)

(Shadowlight9743: Ohhh, so hence, why we're back here?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Exactly. We will make changes to the story and give the audience a new take on what's pretty much my most popular story here on Wattpad.)

(Shadowlight9743: Huh, I see. Well, I'm definitely for it. Although, The Savior of CHS 2.0 sounds kinda generic. What if we called it... uhh... The Savior of CHS Reimagicked? It's kinda like reimagined, but with magic in it.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh, I actually like that. We'll go with that then. First things first though, we should...)

(*He takes one sweeping look around the room to show the state of the studio.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Really clean up in here.)

(Shadowlight9743: Way ahead of you, buddy. Yo, Garbage Goober, we got food for you!)

(* A small weird orange colored alien-like creature with huge mandibles comes out and begins eating some of the mess.)

(Garbage Goober: Mmm trash! I love trash! Yum yum trash! I wanna eat trash!)

(*Jordan stares in disbelief before turning to Shadow.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You used the portal gun again to bring him here, didn't you?)

(Shadowlight9743: *smirks* Hey, it's Garbage Goober, who wouldn't want to adopt him?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh, good point.)


Folks, I'd like for you to do something for me. Imagine the most perfect, most amazing place filled with people who are just about the kindest in the world. Imagine a place like that in real life. Are you doing it? Good. Now I want you to take that Utopia sounding place and promptly smash it with a hammer and remove it from your mind because that sort of place doesn't exist in the real world. However, such a place like that does, in fact, exist in the story that I will be sharing with you all today... Well, maybe not perfect, but most certainly better than any town or city we have in today's world. A little town that most of you may know as Canterlot.

The Savior of CHS: ReimagickedWhere stories live. Discover now