Local politics

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"Yojr (Lord) Vaal Hazak, Is something wrong?" I hear a stern, deep voice erupt to my left, while I hear a feminine voice ask the same question to Momonga to my left. Looking to the sound of the deep voice, my eyes land on a stoic Teostra. He should be able to asks questions like that. By now all the dragons are looking at me with varying emotions, with confusion being the prime among them. "Yojr (Lord) Vaal Hazak, why do you stare at us with confusion? Is there something on us?" Velkhana asks as she begins to look at her clothes.

"Nyor (No), nothing is wrong, I just thought I smelt something funny" I coolly answer, whilst on the inside im having a mental breakdown. Once more turning to Momonga, I see Sebas and the maids leaving the hall and Momonga *Cough* groping Albedo, whom looks ready to do it right then and there, even with me and my pack around.

"Momonga, what in the good name of Fatalis are you doing?" I ask him, using a saying that became popular around dragon players named after a Dragon developer. Turning towards me with his mouth hanging and Albedo still enjoying herself, he quickly pulls his hand back and clears his imaginary throat.

"Albedo, could you have all the floor guardians group up on floor 6 in an hour?" With a bow and a Hai! She was off to the various floors. I turn back to my pack to see them all eagerly waiting for orders. "Poltr Juritch (Pack members), you are also to met us on the 6th floor in an hour, until then, roam the tomb as you see fit" I say, and with a wave of my talons, they all disperse, extending their wings from their backs as they all zoom into the halls of the tomb.

"Dude, you nearly started to fuck Tabula's NPC with how hard you were fondling her" I immediately scolded, hitting him on the back of the head, knocking him over a fair bit. "I... I felt you slap me" He mutters, utterly baffled. I look at my hand and gasp. My hands have been replaced with sickle like talons, and it generally looks a lot more like an iguana's foot now.

Moving on, he opens his palm to the staff and it zooms right into his hand and he stands up from his throne. "We have matters to attend to" "Guess we do" He puts his hand on my shoulder and visibly gags when he feels the rotten meat on it, and the violent reaction the miasma has to his touch. It didn't hurt him, but he certainly felt a tingle. Moments later, we are on the 6th floor, and are talking about whether we should be concerned with the effects that being in the game will be and if some things have changed because of it.

"So you have to rule a bunch of undead and demons, while I have to fight to keep a bunch of demigod dragons in line? Sounds like an unholy amount of work" Hazak groaned, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back dramatically, while Momonga simply looked around for the NPCs that should be on this floor.

"So you have to rule a bunch of undead and demons, while I have to fight to keep a bunch of demigod dragons in line? Sounds like an unholy amount of work" Hazak groaned, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back dramatically, while Momong...

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"Victory!" A cheeky little voice exclaimed, revealing themselves to be a sharply dressed dark elf. "Aura" Momonga name dropped her as she ran towards us, stopping just at Momonga's feet and bowing. "Welcome lord Momonga, Lord Hazak! Welcome to the floor of which we guard and imprision!" She excitedly said, her eyes beaming with vigor and joy of being in the company of the last 2 supreme beings.

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