I'm stuck as a what?!

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*Hazaktheputrid has logged on*

"Hazak? I didn't think you had time to join the server with your workload" My skeleton leader questioned as I walked into the gathering hall, taking my seat to the right off Momonga. "I'm on 'sick leave'" I replied whilst putting sick leave in air quotes. "I couldn't not show up to the last open day of Yggdrasil. After all, its where I can bend the curses of our reality into a meme" I dramatically raise my hand and strike a pose. Though all it did was make Momonga cringe.

As we continue to talk, a pop up on my right side of the hud shows up. *Herohero has logged in* "Well shit, I didn't think anyone other than me and Momonga would show up! How are you Herohero?" I shout excitedly, a shocked emote popping out of my avatar while I wave to my purple slimy friend. "Not much, just been working unholy amounts of overtime. Which reminds me, how long has it been since I have had enough time to log on?"

With all of us taking a second to count/check the logs, Momonga mutters out "I-It's been 2 years Hero..." "It's been that long? That's bad. I've been doing so much overtime lately that my concept of time is out of whack." "Isint that a bad symptom/That's horrible for your health" Me and Momonga both express, looking at each other before back to him.

"If the doctor says so, then it must be bad. My body is worn out completely. I'm sorry, I shouldn't complain" he relents, shrugging while trying his best to not slip off his chair. Very comical, if not depressing. "Oh, I got to go soon, im falling asleep on my keyboard right now." He explains, opening the menu, unaware of Momonga's shocked flinch, and hollow smile emote.

"I'm sorry for this. It was nice to see the tomb again though. Shocked that it's still standing to be honest. You 2 must have been cleaning it. Being guild leader really suited you Momonga, and being the improvised healer really worked out for you Hazak" "We built Nazarick together, I couldn't let it go to ruin" Momonga explains, while I just wave my hands dismissively. "No one ever really needed healing, I just used my toxikinesis to dissipate any poison-related debuffs"

"Guys, thank you for all your hard work, here's hoping we meet again sometime" *Herohero has logged out* With a sigh, I move to get up but stop at the sound of something hitting the table. "Momonga?" "My bad, just upset he didn't stay till the end" He relents, slouching just a smidge as he takes a deep breath. "Might want to fix your mic, I can hear your breathing" I joke, trying to cheer him up as I pull him up from his chair.

"I'm going to spend some time in my Miasma farm, but I'll be sure to meet you in the throne room, alright?" I told him, as he nodded. I could remember the directions there so clearly, despite not having been on in over 2 weeks. Left, Right, Right, Left, Fowards. I stood infront of the doors that lead to one of the most hazardous areas in the whole tomb. The door was different from most doors in the tomb, instead of the gold and marble that adored them this one was made of rotted wood and had some flesh grafted to it with stiches and spikes.

Without any effort, I push the door open, a loud groan echoing into the dark room. As soon as I step into the room, with a sudden flash of teal the room glows, revealing glowing worms moving around the roof.

The room's walls, contrary to the marvelous marble walls of Nazarick, this rooms wall was uneven stone, with moss, fungi and bone like protrusions covering it every now and then. Off to the sides of the room was a crescent shaped river of light blue acid, with some bubbling bones laying at the bottom of the river. In the center of the farm was a massive pile of corpses, all of them in various stages of decomposition, with the most rotted of them being covered in a thick white mist.

"Ah my masterpiece" I chuckle, walking towards the pile of corpses, climbing to the top of the mountain with ease and laying down. Without any hesitation, I began absorbing the mist, or as I prefer to call it, the Miasma. I got the notification that I was topped off on miasma and could use every ability I had to the fullest

The putrid elder (OC x Overlord)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя