More Then A Leak!

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Then Mario got an idea

Mario: wait why don't you come with us? You could convince them to hire us more often!

Luigi: good idea bro!

Pauline: sure why not


The three of them go inside and meet the married couple who live there

Women: the bathroom is right upstairs at the end of the hall

Man: can you fix it?

Mario: very confident sir

Pauline: if you have any questions while they're working I would be happy to answer

Women: thank you and you two will be careful about making a mess?

Luigi: I promise we don't make messes we fix them

Luigi stepped on a dog bone by mistake making it break. A dog ran up to him and started barking

Women: that's Francis. He likes you!

Luigi was a little scared

Pauline: don't worry take care of the leak I'm good with animals

Luigi: phew... thanks


Only a few minutes later Pauline was talking to they're first customers

Pauline: Mario and Luigi work day and night. They also have they're own website-

She heard a noise outside and saw Mario catch the dog with a plunger. She couldn't hear him but could tell Mario was saying 'help'. He climbed back into the bathroom

Pauline: uh... I'll be right back just going to get a glass of water


Pauline went in the bathroom and it was a mess. Mario was holding Francis

Pauline: what happened?!

Luigi: it started out as a simple leak but then this dog showed up and attacked us we locked him in the showed but the water turned on he escaped and jumped out the window mario was able to catch him and we need your help to-

The married couple walked in and saw what happened to the bathroom

Mario: uh found the problem!


Mario Luigi and pauline were kicked out immediately

Mario: so much for our first job

Pauline: you guys ok?

Mario: yeah but we're going to head home. Thanks for trying to help


Mario and Luigi get back home in time for dinner and sat at the table

Uncle Tony: it's the super Mario brothers from the tv!

Mario: so everybody saw the commercial then?

Uncle Tony: yeah we've seen it

Mario: and?

Uncle Tony: I wouldn't quit your day job. Wait you already did!

Mom: well I thought it was incredible. It belongs in a movie theater. Pauline was great to

Mario's dad gave him spaghetti with mushrooms

Mario: really? Mushrooms?

Dad: everybody loves mushrooms right?

Luigi: i like mushrooms!

Uncle Tony: Mario seriously what were you thinking with that commercial?

Mario: what? It's supposed to be funny

Luigi: can someone pass the bread?

Uncle Tony: yeah but what's with the outfits? Plumber's wearing white gloves?!

Mario: that's right gotta have a trademark have to stand out

Mom: don't listen to them the world listen the world laughed at da Vinci to

Luigi: I'm not sure they did ma

Mario: dad what did you think?

Dad: i think your nuts you don't leave a steady job for some crazy dream the worst part your bringing your brother down with you and you ended a great relationship with Pauline

Mario: I told you that's not what happened. We only dated for a little bit but it just didn't work out so we both decided to stay friends. She helped us with the commercial and is running for mayor

Dad: see now that's a good career you should try something like that not a plumbing business

Mario: ...thanks dad. Thanks for your support

Mario stood up and went to his room


Mario was watching the news in his room when Luigi walked in

Luigi: hey. Your not bringing me down and you didn't break Pauline's heart. You know what? What do they know right?

Mario: it's not just them. Our whole lives everyone's telling us we can't do this we can't do that I'm just sick and tired of feeling so small and maybe I did hurt Pauline...

Luigi: if you did she wouldn't still be friends with us!

Reporter (on TV): subway surface is floating downtown Brooklyn

Mario: Luigi this is our chance! Destiny is calling!

Luigi: destiny from high school?

Mario: what? No! Just come on!

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