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As a confirmation of what was discussed earlier, I am making arrangements for the return of Holly to her home, and will come to pick her up tomorrow afternoon. We will be ready at any moment to get to the Cassias' house in any compromising situation, and trust that you Tyrels and Miss Cassia know what precautions to take to ensure the highest safety and success rate of this final phase. Thank you all for your boldness and resilience, it is much appreciated and will not go unforgotten.

Email sent at 18.49, Friday, by Joseph Brunsley, head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Sent to Tyrel Trust - a private investigative agency that traces, identifies and solves felonies issued by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Received and read: Emerson Tyrel

Received and read: Edith Tyrel

Received and read: Elias Tyrel

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