The Initial Sin

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Kazumi was scared and afraid of the smoke and the strange creature in front of him right now, it doesn't seems to be a human. A small figure, thin and with dark red skin, long and curved horns, wings and a tail. The creature looked at the boy and smirked at him, before scooting closer and crouching down in front of him. "Hello little boy" they said, smiling big showing their sharp teeth "Your name is Kazumi no?" The boy remained silent, still scared. The creature lift themselves up and looks down at him.

Demon- "You probably don't know who I am but I know who you are. I've been following and stalking you for quite a while and you have a really shit life huh? Hahahaha! No one loves you, every day getting bullied at school, getting scolded at home for not doing good at your grades, without saying your older sister that uses you as her slave to do things she doesn't want to do, hahaha!"

The demon said to him, laughing at the boy's miserable life, that couldn't even answer to it, he just lowered his head and stayed quiet. The demon then stopped to laugh and crouched down again to the boy's eyes level, looking at his face with a serious expression. The boy could see very close to his face the demon's black eyes

Demon- "Do you want to change that? You want to change your life? I can help you with that but, you will need to listen to everything I say and obey me!"

Kazumi- "H-Huh? W-What do you mean 'change that'?"

Demon- "Exactly what it means! I can change your life, give you power to confront every one that tries to make you! You just need to..  Trust me"

As the demon said that he reaches one hand to the boy, expecting a handshake. Smiling at the boy innocently as he do. The boy on his side, was afraid to listen to them, still not knowing if he can trust that creature or not

Kazuki- "B-But what are you? You're not a human, are? Y-You don't seems one..."

Demon- "No, I'm not a human... I'm a demon, a thing way different from a human! Hehehe~"

Kazumi- "A what???"

Kazuki widened his eyes hearing what he said, still not believing in that but, the smoke, his figure, the wings, tail and horns shows it very clear. He tried to move away but he was already leaning against his bed, so he climbed on top of it trying to stay away from the demon, that just sighed as the boy did it.

Kazumi- "Stay away from me!! G-Get out!!"

He yelled to them, scared and shaking. The demon sighed again and walls closer to the boy, climbing on the bed too and staying on his knees looking at him

Demon- "Don't need to be afraid, I won't hurt you or anything.. I'm not that type of demon, chill-"

Kazumi- "T-Then what you w-want..?"

Demon- "I said already didn't I? I want to help you... But well, it would be strange doing that without wanting anything in back no? So... I want your body~..."

Kazumi- "H-HUUUH??!??"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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