Prologue: A New Start

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Remus Lupin always appreciated a good breakfast. Toast with marmelade, eggs with bacon and some tea was typicaly a great way to start off the day, although some days nothing could compare to a cigarette and a cup of warm coffee by the window and today was one of these days.

'' Hey! I want some coffee too!'' Remus turned only to see Sirius Black wrapped in their blanket, smirking like the one and only beautiful bastard he was. It was also one of these days, when his boyfriend would seem even cuter in the morning without his eyeliner and almost-too-perfect-hair.

''Sorry starboy, store's closed for today. We're out. Go get some from the kitchens''. He couldn't keep back a smile while obviously frustrated Sirius threw on his leather jacket and black converse.

''Oh, also grab me some cookies! The chocolate chip ones! And maybe some snickerdo... Sirius?'' He looked at his boyfriend reading a note, looking almost too... serious.

''What is it dear? Everything ok? Is it Walburga again, we can..."

" No, no, don't worry, just a note from James. He went to another horrible date yesterday."

" That bad? I thought we were making progress!"

" Apparently he called his date Lily. Multiple times. By the way she's called Patricia. "

Remus sighed. Lily Evans was one of his friends, but also James's long time crush. And while he would always chase around her, she wouldn't look at him twice and sadly enough Remus couldn't blame her. Sure, James was smart, popular and attractive, but also immature and impulsive and Lily was too stubborn and proud to give him a second chance. If only they could get along for just an hour or two... They would soon understand they had many things in common, and even become friends ( if not more). But that was impossible to happen, especially since these two couldn't coexist in the same room for more than five minutes without causing a chaos. Even if they did go on a date it would most definitely be a disaster unless someone... Wait! That was it!
Remus almost spilled his coffee all over the room.

" Hey Moony, watch it! This shit is boiling hot!"

"That's it Sirius! We have to do something about it!" He looked at his Sirius's troubled expression. " Not the coffee you dumbo! James and Lily. We have to get involved and take the situation in our own hands!"

Sirius looked rather puzzled.
" I agree Moony, but how exactly? They're not the easiest people to work with."

" Trust the process, babe! The key is to not tell them we're trying to set them up! Just think about it. I mean sure, they wouldn't volunteerly hang out, but if they had no other choice, or they needed to cooperate to get out of a serious situation they would make a great team and help each other!"

Sirius sat down.
" You mean we should put our friends in danger despite their wishes just to get a slim chance they get along?"


" Ok, brilliant! We haven't pranked anyone for a long time, how different could it be?" He grabbed a notebook.
" Let's start making plans immediately! I already have so many ideas!"

" Hey, not so fast, Superman! I want my cookies first!!!"


Hi! This is the first chapter of this story. Did you like it? What do you think will happen to our characters? Let me know in the comments!

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