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"Ai, it's time for breakfast." His gentle voice woke her up. He gave him a quick peck on her lips, and she gave him a sweet smile in return.

"I love waking up like this." She whispered, wrapping her arms on his neck.

"Then stay with me forever." He replied, his breath tickling her skin.

This marks the first day of them living together. Chishiya had the initiative to make breakfast, and promised he would do it every single day.

Aika's eyes lit up at the sight of the breakfast he prepared. Chishiya was often a man of few words, but she appreciated the fact that he pays a lot of attention to everything she likes.

"Okonomiyaki!" She blurts in excitement, and he chuckled at her reaction. "This tastes amazing, Shun."

"My shift starts at night today, should we go get groceries for the time being?"

"Groceries? What for?"

"I've lived alone until this very moment, I figured you'd want to make a few modifications. I'd even let you paint the room pink if you want to, just stay with me."

"I'd say yes for a grocery date. But your apartment is beautiful as it is, Shun. I like how everywhere smells like you."

Chishiya smiled. She loved it when he smiles at her. His smile had always been cunning, and sort of pretentious when he does it for others. And she loved how when it comes to her, it looks and feels so sincere. "It's a date then."

"Rise and shine, Princess. A game has appeared." She heard Banda teasingly whispered, tossing her a fresh set of clothes exactly her size.

"Why not just go alone? I could pull you down for all we know."

"You're sharp, and you're a doctor. It's so rare for me to say this, but I think you're a great asset, Princess." His voice turned darker. "Plus I want to see you break. It would be fun."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "You think your mind games will work on me? I was raised by mad psychiatrists. You won't break what's already broken, Murderer."

He leaned in closer, his eyes threatening hers. "You still look pretty sane to me. I want to see you snap."

If Chishiya's smile were pretentious at times, Aika thought this Banda guy was on another level. His was purely insane, and every time she looks at him, it always feels the same. As if there was nothing within those eyes but a madman. She definitely need to be wary of this man.

"Let's just go and finish the game. We might find answers if we're lucky."

Aika knew exactly where the light was headed. Straight ahead was the Med School where she and Chishiya graduated. As they walked through the classrooms to find where the games are going to be held, the memories her and Chishiya shared all came back to her. From their peaceful study sessions in the library, the meals they shared on the benches outside, up to every moments Chishiya saved her from despair.

She will do everything to be with him again.

"You look like you know this place personally, Princess." She quickened her pace, ignoring Banda's remark. He only snickered at her action.

Game: Trivia
Difficulty: 7 of Hearts

Please find a partner before we explain the rules.

Banda gazed at Aika with a huge evil grin painted on his face. She sighed in defeat. If she couldn't trust anyone, she might as well trust someone who sees her as an asset. At least she knows he has no intention of killing her.

"If I could give you medical assistance after every game, can I trust you?" She asked him. He responded with an evil grin.

"Let's beat this game, Princess."

Please choose a desk away from your partners.

Rule: Complete the trivia quiz.

You and your partners will take turns answering each item.

If you answer wrong, your partner will be eliminated.

Answer all the items correctly to complete the game.

Aika frowned. "This sounds more like a diamonds game."

"It does, but if you put it this way, this is also a game of trust. If you don't trust your partner enough, people would go crazy and just kill off their partner first before getting killed by them." Banda explained.

"If they do that, they won't have a partner to complete the game. They'll die in the next round if nobody would answer for them."

"Possible. But the rule didn't mention about choosing other partner. It just said you need a partner. When these people start losing their mind, they'll probably kill each other, find another partner, and kill each other again until one of them is left."

Aika's eyes arrowed. Banda's thinking was crazy, but she still believed it made sense. People would probably begin fearing their deaths at some point in the game. The efficient way to complete it was to trust each other's knowledge.

"I'll choose a sit now. You better be smart enough for this, Banda."

"Good luck to you too, Princess."

The first item will now be flashed on your screens.

The voice declared, and as it said, a question popped up on the tablet of her seat followed by a couple of choices from A to D.

Question 1: A white cell with non-specific granules is called?

Aika raised an eyebrow. It was quite cruel of the game to put in a Hematology question. Even though she knew the answer, she couldn't be happy nor feel relieved. For yet again, the game intends to make a lot of people die.

A. Lymphocyte. She clicked, and the computer flashed green, which meant she got the correct answer.

However, the person's head beside her exploded. Which meant his partner didn't get the question right. Aika momentarily closed her eyes, trying her best not to feel disturbed at the inevitable deaths others experience. She hated it. She wanted to throw up. She just wanted to be in his arms again, but to do that she needed to snap out of it and finish the game.

The second item will now be flashed on the screen.

Aika turned to look at Banda, sending him a meaningful gaze. He intentionally met her eyes, and grinned in response. As if it was his way of assuring he'll get the question right.

A minute has passed and her head didn't explode. She sighed in relief. Each every item, heads exploded, and lives were taken. The sound of the head exploding, the feeling of the blood splattering on her skin, it haunted her until she felt so sick she couldn't wait but throw up.

To her surprise, Banda managed to answer all the questions, and they both walked out of the arena drenched in blood.

"I knew you were smart, Princess."

Aika clenched her fist. She was beginning to feel sick of this world. She didn't want to give Banda the satisfaction, but she also couldn't resist the tears falling from her eyes.

Her. (Chishiya Shuntaro)Where stories live. Discover now