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Vance's Pov:

I was nervous but I tried not to show it as I sat down at my spot. Stupid Bruce. I thought, but I couldn't hate him, not even dislike him. But why?

When he walked into the classroom our eyes instantly met, before both of us looked away. And of course I knew exactly that he wouldn't sit next to me because instead he sat down next to some random girl.

I don't care. Nobody cares that Bruce is flirting with a girl.

But as they talked far from my hearing I wondered what they we're saying to each other. Why do I care so much?
This isn't fair. I don't want to feel this way, I don't want to look at Bruce that way, I'm disgusting I'm not supposed to think of boys that way.

What if Bruce finds out and thinks Im a weirdo. Nobody can find out what I think, what I feel.

I hate how I am.

--time Skip

Vance's Pov:

I walked to lunch with my group of friends, I would much prefer to hang out with Robin Finney and Billy then these jerks but Bruce was with those three and I wasn't Daring to go near Bruce. So I ate lunch with "my group" I ate silently listening to their conversation about making fun of some random kid I didn't know about.

"Hey vance you okay?" One of my friends asked, Seth. He was the only one out of the group that I was actually decent with. He was a good kid just hangs with a bad group of people. "Fine just thinking" I told him, he nodded in understandment, patting my shoulder before going back to listening to the jerks.

I don't know how he puts up with watching the group mess with kids who did nothing, he always looks... Sad in a way.

After lunch me and Seth made our way to our sixth hour. Seth followed behind me like a lost puppy and kept having to check behind me to make sure he was still there.

Seth was a short kid for our grade, real quiet kid too but he's a nice kid too he's just to scared to stand up for anyone, not even himself.

We walked into sixth hour, sitting in our assigned seats, me and Seth got lucky we sit right across from each other. There was two other girls that we sat by that I didn't care about the names.

--time skip

Vance's pov:

When we walked out of class my heart completely jumped. Bruce and Robin we're walking right our way. No way I wanted to talk to either of them.

"Seth come this way!" I snapped harshly grabbing his sleeve and dragging him to the bathrooms. He instantly protested but followed anyways.

Bruce's pov:

"Did you fucking see that!?" Robin grumbled, i nodded slowly. That hurt. "That fucking bastard keeps running away!" Robin bickered. "Come on Bruce" Robin said to me, turning the opposite direction from where vance went. What if Vance and that other guy are together.

I don't want them to be together though.

The thought made me frown and feel sad inside. "I'm talking to his ass soon" I suddenly heard Robin say. I shook my head. "Don't it doesn't matter" I mumbled, Robin glared at me. "It does matter Bruce" he said. "You know that!"

And he was right. It did Matter to me, because it was bothering me so much. It's not fair.

Drama because I said so 🙂❤️ don't worry it won't last forever 😃
Word count: 601

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