Young revenge( part one)

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Living life with people you love like your parents ,here is a story about a young boy called Dane fanton whose parents were killed by a gang group, fanton was living with his uncle James linkton ,he was always sad ,he had no friends because other kids called him dumb skull ,so dane  decided to ask his uncle about his parents ,his uncle told him that is parents had two children ,Dane and kylah ,kylah was fanton's younger sister his uncle then told him that his sister was kidnapped by a group of goons when she was coming back from school ,he then told Dane ,we informed the police , till now we have not had any thing from them,we are not sure if your sister is safe ,alive or dead this story gave Dane courage and hope to find more clues about his parents murder and the people behind him ,he started visiting every location his parents went to on the night they were killed ,luckily he found some ,he then learnt that the gang who killed his parents was called macreto ,from there ,he asked some people are this gang were living "they live downtown 65 trump street" some one yelled
It was  a girl from dane's school her name was sheilah ,it turns out the gang leader is sheilah's uncle.(yet to finish storry)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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