Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Thank you gentlemen." 23 year old Anna thanked the Civil War troops as they finished their battle reenactment. Since finishing college two years ago Anna immediately started working at the Museum of Natural History. They still had Rebecca's old position open and after a recommendation from Larry, McPhee had given the job to Anna. It only helped that she'd been interning there throughout her time at the university.

Leading her group of twelve year olds forward she exited the circular room and headed for the alcove lined hallway.

"And that concluded the Civil War. Post Civil War America only survived because of the West. The "Land of Opportunity" as it was marketed by the government. It distracted from the war's brother versus brother, neighbor versus neighbor mentality that threatened to still tear the country apart. The West was unknown and full of possibilities, in a time before cell phones, facial recognition software, even birth certificates and ID, a person could travel west, choose a new name and create a brand new life for themselves. A freedom lost in our modern world and unlike any other freedom. It was in this harsh yet romanticized free world that we arrive at – my personal favorite part of history –"

"Billy!" one of the kids shouted when they spotted him climbing down from his horse at the last alcove in the hallway before they turned the next corner.

He was grinning, like always, as the group circled him and like the other exhibits he began to talk about his story and answer questions.

"Were you really born in New York?"

"How'd you hide from the sheriff for so long?"

"Can you really speak Spanish?"

"Did you teach yourself how to shoot so good?"

Anna watched from the back smiling to herself. Billy was crouched down to be eye level with the kids and they clung to his every word with wide immersed eyes. She had to remind herself not to linger here too long so she could finish the tour before the museum closed for the night. They usually were open much later but with Larry's Showcase beginning at nine the museum was closing at six to accommodate and prep.

Although, she'd love nothing more than to keep the group here. In her opinion Billy's history was the most fascinating out of everyone else's – not that she'd tell her friends that. And she thought it was a shame more history classes didn't study him outside of New Mexico.

She cleared her throat after Billy finished with the last question and she ushered the children away heading into the 1900's. Many of them waved and bid Billy goodbye as he stood up again, tipping his hat. He caught Anna by her elbow and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Will I see you later?"

She smiled, "This is my last group before I have to help Larry get the others ready for tonight."

He nodded still smiling, "I'll see you then." He snuck in a quick peck to her temple before she headed off to follow the children and continued the tour.

Since they started with Rexy and the caveman that meant they'd already gone through Ancient Egypt, the Huns, Easter Island and Sacagawea. Anna gestured to the alcoves they passed as they rounded back around to the main hall and she explained the late 1800's and touched on the early 1900's before it was taken over by Teddy who spoke to the children about his time as the republican candidate for president, his victory on election night in 1901 and his reelection four years later. Since New York was a mainly democratic state many of the kids asked how a republican president could possibly be a good thing. Anna rolled her eyes knowing Teddy and his answer before he even gave it. With a wide smile under his moustache he took the opportunity to give his "Some men are born great, others, have greatness thrust upon them." speech that he adored so much.

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