Chapter 1

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AJ's P.O.V.

Today is my first day at my job as a boss. My dad, Mr. Alex Fargo, multi-billionaire, got sick and won't be running his company for at least a month. One day he came to my room and asked to speak to me.

" Aj, will would you do me honor of taking over my company until I recover."

"Dad, are you serious?!"

"I raised you to take over my business. I think it's time to start."

So here I am, in a white pencil skirt, button- down blouse, and a pink blazer, standing in front of the most successful companies there is. My dad's-er... I mean, MY assistant comes running towards me.

"Tell me, is Mister Fargo alright?"

"Yes, Violet."

"Oh thank goodness. So, where is he?"

"He's in bed resting. I will take over the company for this month."

"WHAT?! Oh no, this is not happening! We had much to cover. You will never understand."

I suppress my lips into a tight smile.

"Well, Violet, if you can't handle it, I suggest you leave and maybe not come back if you can't handle the fact that I'm your new boss. So, bye."

I walk into the office leaving Violet jaw open. I may look young and sweet, but I have my dad's attitude and toughness. I just lash out if people get on my nerves, just like my father. I fish my IPhone from my purse and call dad.


"Dad, I need a new assistant."

"What happened to Violet?"

"She got on my nerves."

He sighs, "Alright I had a new intern who came to me for a job, but I declined. I guess I'll call him"

"Thanks dad."

I talk to the secretary, Roger, to call for a meeting. I was patiently waiting for everyone to come into the lunchroom. As everyone got here, I started my speech.

"Good morning everyone. My father, Alex Fargo, is fairly sick. He will not be attending the office for this month. Therefore, he gave the responsibility to me to take over. If any of you have a problem with me, I suggest you leave and not come back. Things are going to change, but not drastically. We will continue with whatever project my father has made you work on. I just want you to know that-"

Suddenly in the quiet crowd, The huge lunchroom door squeaked open. Standing in front of the doorway, was a boy and damn he was cute.


Guys, NEW STORY! I'm excited. Sorry it's short(don't kill meh) Anyways hope you like it.<3

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