Rowan Laslow - Unexpected

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"What are doing out here, don't you have fencing right now ?", I asked the brunette boy in front of me. It was the beginning of fall, the leaves on the ground slowly turned ornage. My favourite time of the year and I loved walking in the woods. I was suprised to see someone out here. Most of the students had classes right now.

I knew Rowan pretty well, he wasn't my boyfriend but already had a few dates. So I knew that he didn't enjoy walks in the woods as much as I did. He was the last person I expected here.

"Oh hi, there you are I wondered when you'd come", he said smiling "I knew you wanted to take I walk today, you mentioned it the other night and since I enjoy your company I decided to join you" He sent me a shy smile.

No. This was too cute. Not even the fact that he remembered what I said, but the fact that he decided to join me.

"I actually enjoy your company as well, so I'm glad you came", I smiled and took his hand in mine. It was warm and soft and his touch just felt right.

When I was around him I felt comfortable and safe.

As we walked a few minutes I reached out for his hand and placed it in mine.

No reaction.

But as I looked over to him, I saw a light pink shade on his cheeks.

  ,,You're my favourite person'',he said and I also blushed.

God, I'm so down bad.....

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