The Way You Love - Dami

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New year, new Deukae bias 💙💙💙

Seriously, man. Dami suddenly hit me like a truck, making me fall for her 💙💙💙

Happy New Year, guys. Hope y'all have one hell of 2023  💙💙💙💙


It was around eight p.m. and due to a stressful and tiring day, all you wanted was to get home and to be with your beloved girlfriend, Yubin, or Dami as she was popularly known, showering yourself with her love and comfort, but because of her career as an idol, like almost every day, she still hasn't arrived yet. As you were waiting for her to arrive, you fell asleep on your desk, while you were searching about a certain topic.

Time goes by and when it was almost nine o'clock, Dami arrives at your apartment, quickly heading to the only light that could be seen in the house. And with quiet steps, she walks towards the illuminated area, finding herself in the bedroom, where she also finds you asleep.

Dami then starts to walk towards your sleeping self to wake you up, but the content of the screen in front of her catches her attention, first.

Dami (sighing): You never change, do you, Y/n?

She then closes your laptop and slightly pushes it back, proceeding to start shaking you gently, while saying:

– Hey, Y/n. Wake up.

– Hm.

Dami: Rise and shine, love.

It was until this moment, that you haven't realized the owner of this calm, sweet, slightly deep and very familiar voice. You suddenly open your eyes, seeing Dami standing beside the desk, smiling at you. It was such a simple act, but her smile always made you soft, melting your heart whenever you saw it. After a few moments, processing the angelical image in front of you, you finally say:

– Yubin? Since when you're here?

Dami: I just got home, so about three minutes, I guess.

After Dami's playful answer, you get up from the chair, with her already knowing what to expect, as she slightly open her arms, proceeding to the both of you hugging each other, with each of you resting your head into the crooks of your necks, inhaling the sweet aroma, that you two missed so much. As you slightly pull apart, you two share a deep and passionate kiss, only backing off when the lack of oxygen hits both of you. With your lips still touching, you grin, while saying:

– This feeling... I never get tired of it...

Dami responds your comment by rubbing her thumb on your cheek, while smiling shyly. Moments later, as you finally pull your lips apart, you touch foreheads, maintaining your arms around each other. Another two to three minutes later, the both of you finally break contact, with Dami quickly shooting at you:

– I know I just got home and all, but are you up to a last minute dining date?

– With you, always.

Your POV:

After this pleasant surprise Yubin pulled off on me, I head to the closet, while I take off my shirt and as I do such thing, I hear Yubin, behind me, saying:

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