January 1st

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Mark Woke up in a wet bed. This was not the norm for him, nor did he want it to be, but he had definitely wet the bed.
Mark's little sister was the bed wetter in the family, because of this she had to wear SafeNites pullups to bed and occasionally on long trips, but recently she has had a dry night or two a week, and now mark wetting the bed was definitely not a good sign for the years fortune.

Mark got out of bed and threw everything that had been soaked in his accident into a pile and put new bedding on his bed. Looking at the wet washing he knew he had two choices, face his embarrassment and tell his mother what he had done, or try and wash it before she finds out. Looking at the time he knew that on any other day of the year he would only have 30 minutes before she would be up but with it being the new year he may just get away with it.

Using all his stealth available he snuck out his bedroom door, being careful not to let it slam, down the stairs being careful not to knock the squeaky step and finally down to the basement where the washing machine was kept. He had seen his mother use it a hundred times, and helped over half a dozen so he knew the process quite well, leaving the only thing to luck being the noise of the washing machine. 2h wash and dry, it wasny ideal but it was the best option he had and he didnt want to ruin his bedding.
Next up was a shower, a shower in the morning wasnt uncommon, theres a chance his sister Alice would also need a shower if she woke up wet so all should work out for him.

A quick morning shower was exactly what he needed to clear his head, everyone had been up late celebrating and he had even stole a little of his older cousins drink when she wasnt looking, a convincing story to tell himself as to why he had the accident. Surely he couldn't be the only one to wet himself that morning. Alice didnt stay up late and didnt have a drink, she probably wet herself aswell. But she always wets herself at night, well most nights.

The shower was longer than the quick morning shower than he intended, and without looking where he was going he walked into his little sister.

Alice looked up at her older brother, still tired and half asleep herself. He SafeNites pullup on view, the candy princess art faded, and yellowed. Mark gave a sigh of relief upon seeing her. The last thing he needed was to have wet the bed and her to remain dry. "Mark I'm wet" Alice said in almost a whisper, embarrassed at her situation but used to it all the same. Mark went and started her shower for her, grabbing her soaps and shampoos for her aswell as a towel and a change of clothes before sending her in to the shower to clean herself up. He has helped her through this plenty of times before, and had gone through the same an hour earlier, without the wet pullup ofcourse.
Taking her Pjs and wet pullup to be washed and binned respectively he passed his moms room and peeked in to see she was still asleep, his luck not running out, and them peeked in to his sisters room to see her bed still dry, the pullup having not leaked.

Finaly he finished up sorted out all that was wet and started on breakfast.
The rest of the morning routine went on without a hitch, breakfast, helping Alice get ready and then putting TV on for her, he almost forgot he had his bedding and pjs in the wash, it wasnt until his mother walked down the stairs and asked if everyone was dry that he realised his mistake, but he knew he still could fix it. He told his mom about Alice's and how he helped her sort it out, and how he also had a shower that morning but left out the reason why.
Their mom sat down and started eating her own breakfast.

"Its going to be a quiet day today, how about you two watch tv while I go to the shop, and does anyone need anything, are we still fine on SafeNites, washing stuff" it was perfect timing. Mark just had to wait until she went to the shop to fix his mistake, just hoping she didnt check down in the basement. "Yeah that's fine, we should be fine till Wednesday with her SafeNites"

All was set with the shopping plan and the waiting game was on, mark sat and watched Alice's cartoons, the plot simple and childish but still relaxing to Watch, the bright colours enticing to the point mark almost not noticing their mom leave for the shops. Once she left mark finished the episode with alice and got up to sort the washing, "where you going?" Alice shot up as soon as he stood up. Mark hadn't even thought about what to say to Alice, he stuttered a bit before spitting out "I uh, just need to sort something out, stay here and watch your cartoons" she looked confused but seemed to not be too curious, just simply replying it "I'll wait for you, you were watching with me"
Not wanting to waste time he rushed down to sort the washing out.

There wasnt much to sort out, but the folding was difficult due to his small size so it took him longer than expected. When he got up the stairs out of the basement his sister was waiting and had a perplexed look upon her face "why have you got washing, that's mommy's job" Mark's mind went blank. He didnt want to admit the embarrassing truth to his little sister but no other option apeard to his panicked mind. He stutterd trying to think of anything, finally he told her, out of options unable to stall any more. He knew she would understand, but would she keep the secret.


Hi, thanks for reading

This is a first chapter, I'm trying to do one every day for this year, aiming around 1k words a piece, not sure I can do it, but it seems like a fun challenge
I haven't really got a plan for the direction so if anyone has any ideas reply to them in the comments I'll try to use them
Comment any thoughts you had aswell for in general.
Hopefully I'll see yous tomorrow

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