Chapter Seven Hometown Blues

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Grayson's POV
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"Eira?" I question as I see her packing up fast


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine"she says as she continues to pack our stuff

"You didn't have to come to my defense"

"But I wanted too he had no right to talk to you like that"

"Is there something else that's bothering you?" I ask still concerned

"Me and my father never had a good relationship" she starts

"And it just got worse after my mom died"

"Wanna know why I freaked out when we went skating?"

I nodded

"Because he never taught me how"
"And I don't even know why that bothers me I guess I wanted a normal relationship with him"

"He's supposed to be the person that when I did bring someone home he'd make an effort to get to know them."

"He was supposed to be the person that I looked for in a man"

"But he's not"
"Leaving me to find the wrong sort and get cheated on"

I wince

Fucking finkle
I don't say anything but I walk up to her and stop her from packing

"What are you doing?" she whispers

I wrap my arms around her

"Hugging you"
"I think you need one Jameson"

She hesitates but slowly wraps her arms around me too

"Thank you"

"What for?" I say furrowing my brows

"For being you Wilder"

"I think we should get going to the Hogwarts express Jameson you have a case of the Hometown blues"

She let's out a laugh
And looks at me with those eyes

It might sound strange but her eyes are the only ones I wanna keep looking into I wonder why I hadn't noticed this girl before.


"Well I think we played our part pretty smoothly don't you think?"

Jameson was quiet and refraining from making eye contact


"Oh sorry"

I moved the hair covering her face we sat together on the train this time

"What's going on in that head of yours"

"I'm just nervous your house will be as much of a disaster as mine"

"I just want everything to go okay"

I grab her hand
"It will be"

"And everything was not a disaster at your house you guys had fight so what?"

"Families do that it just felt even more like Christmas"

"Promise?" she says holding out her pinky

"Promise" I say taking it

"I'm tired I'm going to use you as a pillow"

I laugh
"Go head"

After about another hour of car ride and conversation

Eira has been climbing back out of the shell she retreated in when the fight happened

I know he's her dad and all but I wanted to deck the fucker so bad in the face for talking to her so badly

We stood in front of my door and Eira had nervous tattooed on her face

"You ready?" I ask her

"Because the second we enter this house we're a couple"

Her gaze softens and nods

"I'm ready"

"Good" I ring the door bell and I'm surprised Eira didn't fall over from my mom attacking her

"Mom let her breath"

"I just want to get a good look at her"

"You are just gorgeous"

Eira gives a shy smile
"Thank you"

I swallow hard at the sight of my mother she was looking thinner

"Here come inside" my mom says rushing us in

Eira looks around the front entrance with an amazed smile

"Grayson your house is huge" she whispers

"No it's not"

"This front entrance is like bigger then my kitchen"

I laugh

"Why didn't you tell me you're rich?"

I smirk at her

"I didn't think it was that big of deal"

"It totally is a Big deal Grayson what if your parents think I'm some poor loser"

"Eira they will not think that"
"We're not rude people who judge people based off of financial status"

"Fine but if they judge me you owe me 20 bucks"

"Deal Jameson"
"And if they don't I want-" I pause for a second

"I'll think of something for a later date"


My mom walks back up to us

"We prepared your rooms"
"We didn't know what you guys would be comfortable with so we just decided Eira would stay in the guest room and Grayson in yours."

That news disappointed me more then it should have

Eira nodded but I thought Maybe for a second I saw a hint of disappointment on her face as well

When did things change for her?

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Thanks for reading

Don't worry y'all I have a plan keep reading!

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