Chapter 17- Pizza, Movie, ect.

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(Back to Cassie's POV) 

Maddy, Becca, and I all take seats around the living room, I sit on the larger couch next to Brady and Mason, Becca sits next to Miguel, on the floor in front of the smaller couch, and Maddy sits on the floor between my legs. We all talk for another 10 minutes until there is a knock on the door. I nudge Maddy up and both of us walk to the door. I open it and it's the pizza delivery driver.

"Thank you so much" I say handing him the money plus a tip. I carry the pizza into the living room and everyone starts eating

"Should we watch something so it's not silent?" Miguel asks

"Sure, what does everyone want to watch?" Brady asks


"Teen Beach Movie"

"High School Musical"


"The Conjuring" 

"Okay okay, chill out we can't watch all of them" Brady tells us 

"Wait, Cass what movies have you been in?" Maddy asks turning around in her spot from between my legs

"Yeah! We should watch one of those" Tristan agrees

"No, no we shouldn't" I say covering my face with my hands

"Weren't you in the one with uhh... Walker Scobell and Ryan Reynolds?" Miguel asks me

"Yeah yeah she was. It's called uhh The Project? The Adam Project. Right?" Brady remembers

"Yeah that is! Play it. It should be on Netflix" Maddy smiles

"No. Walker and I filmed that when we were 13. It was our first movie" I tell them with a little whine in my voice

"I bet you did amazing" Mason quietly says in my ear

"Hey I found it! The Adam Project it is." Brady says excited

"Ugh!" I groan falling back on the couch

"Calm down Cass, I bet you were amazing in the movie" Mason says laughing

"Then you obviously haven't seen it" I say grabbing my phone. I take a picture of the screen when Walker and I enter the camera shot. I pull up my Adam Project group chat. Even though we filmed it 2 years ago we all still have a lot of contact with each other

        The Adam Project
      Ryan- Mr. Adam Reed
      Zoe- Mrs. Laura Reed
      Jennifer- Mama Reed
      Walker- Little Mr. Reed
     Cassie- Little Miss. Reed

Little Miss. Reed: Click to View*
  a bunch of my friends are making me watch the movie

Mr. Adam Reed: Look how tiny you both were

Mrs. Laura Reed: Aww you both were babies

Little Mr. Reed: it was 2 years ago

Mama Reed: Aww you two were adorable

Little Miss. Reed: are you saying we aren't adorable now?! 

Little Mr. Reed: how dare you! i am offended!

Mama Reed: No I'm saying that you were adorable then. I haven't seen you since so I don't know how you both look now

Little Mr. Reed: Click to View*
                                thats me now
                                like i literally just took that picture

I quickly take a picture and send it to the chat

Little Miss. Reed: Click to View*
and that's me

My Love - Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now