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Today I started my internship in the rescue service. I'm really excited because I don't know what to expect so I got up and got ready for the day. so I'm changing. I go down the stairs and into the kitchen to prepare my meal for the day. In the kitchen I meet Jessy who is just getting her food ready, then we make our way to the police station. When we arrived at the station, we first had to go to the boss to get our uniform and our detectors. then we go to the changing rooms to change. After we had changed we had to go to our boss again because he then showed us the premises and last but not least the break room where the others were already waiting for us and greeted us happily. We are all sitting together in the break room when our detector goes off, we run to the RTWs and drove off to our first mission. Reported was a person behind a closed door, so we drove to the address with special rights, but we had to wait for the fire brigade because we couldn't get into the apartment. When the fire brigade arrived, they set out to get the door open. When the door was finally open, we ran in and looked for the person, we found the person in the bathroom, but she was unresponsive, which is why we checked her breathing and pulse, when we realized that she wasn't there, I started resuscitation

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