❀ Chapter 31 ❀

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I have seen this look of intensity in Edmund before. I can tell he is not happy as he moves closer to us. He is looking at Stephen as he asks, "Am I correct? Shall we break out the champagne?" But his eyes repeatedly flicker to our clasped hands.

I let go of Stephen's hand and step back. The movement was automatic as if subconsciously I am trying to make Edmund less angry and I'm hoping that distancing myself from Stephen might accomplish that.

Edmund is looking at Stephen, "You have not answered, Mr. Wimple. Are congratulations in order?" When Stephen looks confused Edmund gets more angry, if that is possible. "Come man, are you and Miss Cavendish engaged?! Have you proposed to her? The fact that you are kissing her, secluded in this room would suggest it is so." 

Stephen looks at the floor which confuses me. Why is he not saying we were just getting to that part? I suppose I must do the speaking, "I believe that he is just now going to propose, Milord." I look at Stephen for confirmation but his nervousness has rendered him mute.

An emotion which resembles pain flashes through Edmund's eyes. He begrudgingly says, "Well, by all means, do not let me stop you." He waves his hands forward for us to continue. "I will be your witness and the first to congratulate you." He steps back to give us room to have our moment. 

I smile at this. Maybe I am misreading him and he is here to support us. He has, after all, been the one to bring us together. I step forward to take Stephen's hand again and look up at him with expectation. He has become more nervous with the new audience we have. But I encourage him, "It is fine Stephen, pretend Lord Westworth is not here and just say whatever you were going to say."

He nods but glances over to Edmund before turning back to address me. It doesn't help that Edmund seems to be at war with himself, pacing back and forth with his fist clenched at his sides. 

"I-I wanted to tell you that..." Stephen clears his throat. "This is not easy... I wanted to say that I really like you above anyone else. A-And if it were up to me, I-I would propose to you tonight." Wait, what? I am frowning now. "B-But my mother is insistent that I select someone more suitable." I let go of his hand and step back. "I-I am so terribly sorry, Elizabeth. P-Please do not feel badly. If I could choose you, I-I would. But my mother..." I think the hurt, shocked expression on my face has stopped him from continuing. 

Edmund steps towards us then. A look of relief flashes over his face and I am surprised but then anger resettles itself on his visage. His words come out even and low, it is the scariest tone I have heard him use. "Do you mean to tell me, that you took Miss Cavendish into a room privately, risking her reputation, to tell her you DO NOT plan to propose to her?!" His voice had increased a bit in volume by the end but I am appreciating that he isn't yelling so the whole house can hear. Stephen looks like he wants to melt into the floor. His face has turned very red.

"If anyone but me had stepped into this room and found the two of you together, she could now be considered undesirable, never to marry, you do realize that?" Stephen looks at me in horror. I think he did not realize it. "Mr. Wimple, you will go upstairs to your room and you will pack your belongings. You will not come back downstairs again tonight. Tomorrow morning you will leave at first light. A meal will be packed so that you can eat on the road. You will never see or contact Miss Cavendish again. Do you understand, Mr. Wimple?"

Stephen nods his head in an exaggerated manner. He looks at me with longing and regret before he skirts around Edmund and scurries from the room. 

I know my eyes are wide with shock. I cannot believe what just transpired. I was so convinced that I knew how this night would end, but I was so clearly wrong. And now... 

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