settling down.

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Winter for the group was hard. They were going place to place, surviving as best as they could. Lori had gotten significantly more pregnant and everyone looked more rugged. They were starving, most places out of food by now and the group weren't able to find anywhere to settle down.

Rick kicked through the door to another house with T-dog, Daryl, Leo and Carl. Leo checked two of the downstairs rooms but didn't have to fend anything off so he made his way to the kitchen, it was his and Carl's job to search for any food in the houses.

They were looking through the cupboards, Carl chuckled so Leo glanced over to him, the boy walking out with two cans. Leo continued looking, he opened one door that had a whole lot of rubbish but at the back there sat a single tin of spam. He smiled and done another quick scan, finding nothing else then making his way to the others.

As he entered the living room Rick flung one of Carls cans into the fireplace; they mustn't have been any good. Leo knocked on the doorframe, everyone looked over at him so he held up the can, smiling at the relief on everyone's face. He went over to Lori and handed her it, she shook her head and pushed it away but Leo knew she needed to eat more than the others so he persisted and gave her it again— her accepting it this time.

"Psst" T-dog gestured to some walkers headed for the house they were in. Everyone gathered their things and ran back outside, having to leave another place behind.


The group stopped again to figure out what to do. Glenn set out a map of the area around them and where they've been, the adults talked about their plan as Leo, Beth and Carl stood watch. Leo was pulled away with Rick and Daryl to go hunt. They followed some train tracks, reaching an opening from the trees that showed a large prison.

Leo smiled as he looked it over, turning to Rick, "Looks secure enough" the man nodded and smiled over to the teen.

"Yes. Yes it does. Come on, let's get the others"

Now everyone was at one side of the prison, Rick cutting the fence open so they could get inside then Glenn used a red wire to seal up the hole again. They ran around and up to a gate, "It's perfect. If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight" Rick told them.

"So how do we shut the gate?"

"I'll do it" Glenn stepped up, "You guys cover me. I'm the fastest"

Rick denied that and told them to group walkers up at one side of the fence and kill them through it. Everyone was told where to go but Leo went up to Rick, "I'll go for the gate"

Rick shook his head, "No, Leo. I need you out there, you've got your gun"

"Empty gun" he corrected, "And I have my knife, if they come to close I can still get them. Plus I'm faster than you, if you stay behind me then you can pick them off"

The man looked around at everyone then back to Leo with a reluctant nod. He handed Leo some clips to shut it and got his own rifle ready.

The others started gaining the walker's attention at the fence. Leo got up to the gate, Lori stood ready to open it. Rick and Lori shared a glance before she opened it, the guys slipping through silently.

When he got a clear shot, Leo bolted it for the gate with Rick a little behind, shooting away the walkers. Others were up in a couple towers helping get rid of some as well. A bullet hit the gravel right in front of Leo, he took a terrified glance over his shoulder to Carol who shouted a quick 'sorry'.

Leo got to the gate, kicking a walker away then used the clips to make sure it stayed shut. Rick shot some more walkers and made his way to another door, "Come on" Leo ran over, being pushed in before Rick closed it on the walkers.

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