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The lonely little girl pressed key after key in hopes of filling herself up;

The silence was a battle

She had lost long ago

And now the only sound left

Was the click-clack of the keyboard

And the puff of her own breath.

Her eyelids occasionally close

And then open again to stare at the screen

She cannot hear her heart beat though she knows that it must be there.

Her tongue moves over her crackled lips

And again she stares at the screen

Searching for space.

Someone once told her something important

But she has lost the energy and the will to remember what that was.

The silence is hateful

But it brings her peace, sometimes.

There used to be someone she loved

But now they love another

She dislikes typing that down

And takes a deep breath

That breaks the silence

Which frightens her.

The click-clack of the keyboard is a lonely companion

But she does not mind-

She thinks that even a keyboard sometimes needs a friend. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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