Coming Home

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Mikasa was on her way home from her first year of college. She felt a slight since of dread as she crossed over the state line from California to Oregon.

It wasn't like she had a bad time in high school, or a bad childhood. In high school she was just there. She had a few close friends, but she wasn't really a part of any group per say. Mikasa had ran cross country and track but never really bonded with her teammates.

But with the dorms closed over summer break, Mikasa found herself back home for the summer.


Mikasa's mom embraced her in a bear hug. "Oh I'm so glad you're home...I've made your favorite for dinner tonight!"

Mikasa could smell the Japchae from the front hall. One positive of being home was her mom's cooking.

Stanford's dinning hall wasn't known for its authentic Korean cuisine.

"Dad home yet?"

"No not yet, he's working a bit late, but he should be home in time for a late dinner"

"Here let's get your stuff back to your room" her mom said heading up the stairs. "It's nice that you and Sasha were able to get a storage unit near campus, saved us all a lot of heavy lifting"

Mikasa's mom unzipped one of the suitcases. "So what's Sasha's plan for the summer? Gonna go see that boyfriend?" She asked with a small laugh.

"Probably he only lives about 2 hours away", Mikasa said, feeling a pang of jealousy.

"She's gonna be working at her family's stables most of the summer, on top of her summer training for the equestrian team, because let's be real, that's one of the biggest reasons she got in to Stanford" Mikasa said with a giggle.


"It's ok mom, Sasha says that herself."

Mikasa's mom smiled. "You lucked out on a roommate, my freshman year roommate wasn't very receptive to having an Asian-American as a roommate, but I blame most of that on her parents."

"Yeah she's great, we spent a lot of the last semester going to baseball games." Mikasa said putting some shirts in her drawers.

"Oh that's right, he's on the baseball team"

"Yup, short stop, he was a starter this year" Mikasa said, she looked around her room. "Where's Ollie?"

Her question was answered by the back door, with the sound of barking.

"Soo Yun I'm home!"

More barking echo through the hall.

"Ollie's home too"

Before Mikasa could ask, Ollie bound into the room, freshly groomed.

"He's missed you"

They sat around the kitchen table as Mikasa filled up on the glass noodle stir fry her mom had made.

"So when will your grades be released?" Her dad ask.

"I think like next week or something. I'm pretty confident I'll maintain my scholarship"

"That's good to hear, you'll need good grades to get into vet school" he said before popping a sliver of carrot in his mouth.

The conversation moved to local town gossip.

Mikasa had zoned out a bit, still tired from the drive.

"Too bad about the Jeager kid" her dad said.

The name Jeager, caused Mikasa to come back reality, her heart fluttering a bit.

"What happened?"

"He got kicked out of Washington State" her mom said.

To be continued

To be continued

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