meanwhile in Azkaban

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Bellatrix POV:                                                                                                                                                                            I miss my babies

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Bellatrix POV:
I miss my babies. my daughters, my sons. my children. I hear my beloved husband Rodolphus everyday, I don't see him but I can still talk to him. oh how much I wish I can have my children and my husband in my arms again.  I remember the days they were born. First Ríona and Rexanne 4 years later Regulus and Ragnar and lastly Delphini. I hope that they recognise us but I don't think so the boys who were just 6 years old and Delphi was just a baby, a newborn. The Dark Lord was so proud that she was born. And I was happy that I had given birth. I am going to write to all of my children for Christmas. To tell them that I love them so much and to give them the hope that they will see us again.


Rodolphus POV:
I am going insane thanks to those screaming weaklings. I want to see my beautiful wife Bellatrix, my beloved Bellatrix. I want to hold her and our children in my arms again and never let them go. I want to see my brother again. I want to see our lord again and I will soon. I need to stay strong for Bella, Ríona, Rexanne, Regulus and Ragnar. I want to be able to sleep in my own bed and be able to cuddle up to my dearest. But I am here in Azkaban in my cell and on my cot against the wall that stands between my cell and Bella's just to feel closer to my Bellatrix.


Rabastan POV:

So here I am in Azkaban great away from my nieces and nephews. from my sister-in-law and my brother. I want to go every way I please , but that is not the chase. because I am here in Azkaban.It is  cold and life is almost impossible here.we don't get food often and when we get much of it.   

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