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Kat POV - Thursday, September 8

I woke up in my office once more. I have not been getting much sleep these past few days. It had been a while since the cons contacted or visited us, and I was worried. I felt all the negative thoughts swarm my head. I still hadn't finished my left arm. I shake my head and slide off of the couch bed. I walk towards the kitchen and see that the kettle has been put on. It was close to screaming, I also noticed my favorite mug was out and had cocoa powder at the bottom of it. I took the kettle and poured the hot water into my mug. The smell of hot chocolate filled my senses and the negative emotions melted away. I grabbed my hot chocolate and started to chug it. I finished it all in one go. I smiled at the warmness in my body. For once I had made the hot chocolate myself at the right temperature. I had a feeling today was gonna be a good day.

I awoke from my afternoon nap. I had worked on quite a few of my commissions and felt myself getting tired only for me to realize that it was close to my nap time. I felt refreshed now. I hear the door open and close, it seems like I woke up just in time. Star and Comet were back from school. I sat up and got out of the couch bed and went towards the kitchen. I see both Star and Comet standing there and smiling. I was confused a bit, they seemed like they were planning something. Before I could ask though, I already got my answer.

"Hey mom, could we go to the flower field again?," Altair asked. I looked at her with a confused look.

"Yeah, can we please go there today?," Jamie also asked. I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, I guess we can. Did you both do your homework?," I asked. Both nodded and smiled.

"Okay, if you finished your homework, I guess we can go to the flower field," I said, looking outside the glass. I felt my worry resurface. I shake my head at the thought. They are big enough to be okay. At least I would hope so.

We almost made it to the flower field and Star and Comet broke out into a run. I sighed at the two of them. Why did they seem so excited? I felt myself smile at their excitement though. I chuckled a bit and walked to the end of the trail only for myself to stop once I reached the flower field. I felt myself almost burst into tears.

"Surprise!," I hear them all say. Quite a few of them shout, others say it in monotone. I felt myself smile. I had completely forgotten my birthday. I guess time passes by fast. I felt myself being hugged. I wondered how the cons had become our sizes. But I was happy to be able to hug them again.

"Thank you," I quietly said, with a big grin on my face. I felt all my worries melt away when I saw them. I'm happy that my family has gotten bigger and I wouldn't change a thing about any of them.

"Mom," I looked over to see Shockwave. He held something in his hand. I looked at the thing in his hand, only to realize it was my left arm. Had he fixed it. I know my face probably looked shocked, I did wonder how he had gotten the arm, but I was also happy that it now seemed fixed.

"I fixed it and upgraded it," Shockwave said as he handed my arm over.

"Upgraded it?," I asked as I took the arm. Shockwave nodded. I tucked the metal arm under my right arm and pulled my sleeve up. I then connected the arm to the port on my body.

Turns out Shockwave had made it to where my arm turned into a canon. I had to put my arm straight out and ball my fist up. The arm would then turn into a canon that could fire five times in a row. I just had to feel like I was flexing each individual finger and the canon would fire. If the cannon needed to be put away quicker I could just imminently 'flex' all the fingers at once and the cannon would turn back into a normal hand. Almost imminently after I was shown this, I looked over to Alyssia and Trever and smiled.

"I guess I'm 'armed' now," I said with a cocky smile. I watched both of their faces twist in disgust before they both started to laugh. I could hear both Star and Comet groan, it was a bad, but funny joke though. I looked towards the rest of the cons and smiled. I could get used to this life.

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