"Are You A Fake... Or Just Crazy?"

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A/N: HELLOOOOOOOO EVERYONE!! As promised, your bi weekly dose of Ri-eul!! Enjoy, my devoted readers. Enjoy. (;

Btw, I'd previously written Ri-eul's perspective in 3rd person, but I felt like this one needed to be 1st person. Who knows, I might go and rewrite the other chapters with Ri-eul's perspective to be the same way if this chapter turns out okay. Anyway, have fun!

Don't forget to VOTE!


Ri-eul's Perspective:

When we finally reach the gates to the abandoned amusement park, I'm sweating more than I care to admit. The sun set about an hour ago, and the street lamps light my way as we get closer. Y/N had asked a few times along the way whether I was okay, and of course I had answered 'yes,' but I'll admit I've never been happier to see those creaky metal gates in my life. The walk here had been a couple miles at least, and I could definitely feel my muscles protesting for the final stretch of the journey.

As we draw near, I turn my head a little to tell her, "I'm going to put you down now, okay?" I try my best not to let her hear how short of breath I am. 

"Okay," she says.

I carefully lower her until her feet can touch the ground, and then I let her slip off. Her hands linger on my shoulders for a few seconds as she regains her balance. Once she's standing, she immediately turns me to face her, her hands still on my shoulders. She quickly studies my face.

"I told you we should have taken a break a while back. You look exhausted!" she says, her forehead creasing in mild concern. She reaches up and takes her pink hat off my head, then uses her sleeve to dab at the thin sheen of sweat on my forehead. 

"I'm fine, Y/N," I assure her, shooing her arm away good-naturedly. I then take her by the hand, offering support as she limps to the entrance. We reach the gate and I open it. It lets out a shrill creak as always. With her spare hand, she starts fanning me with the hat, creating a refreshing cool breeze. I can't help but laugh quietly at how silly she looks, but her gesture warms my heart.

It's when she does things like this that I want to just kiss her senseless. The way she cares for me gives me butterflies. Of course, she's always cared for me in that sense--over the years, she's always made sure that I have enough to eat, and that I'm not lonely--but I've been noticing her little acts of care a lot more lately. For some reason, every little thing she does is a lot more meaningful now. Probably because of the slight shift in our relationship. 

We walk in together, and I lead her to the semi-circle of stone benches near the carousel. 

"Sit down," I tell her gently. She nods and limps over to one of the benches, plopping herself down. I drop down beside her and my legs instantly thank me, finally getting a break from the recent exertion. I lean back a little, resting on my arms while I let out a small, tired sigh. 

"Are you gonna be able to walk tomorrow?" Y/N asks me with a hint of teasing in her voice. 

"Guess I'll find out," I reply, shooting her a good-natured smile.

She smiles back at my response before she adds in a slightly more serious tone, "I still think you could've let me walk at least some of the way."

I shake my head before the words even leave her mouth. "Not a chance. Besides, it wasn't too bad. I only started to get tired toward the end," I tell her. "And if you ask me, it was worth it. I'd much prefer that you're here with me."

This makes her smile again. "I'm glad I'm here too," she admits. 

There's a few moments of comfortable silence as we both sit together. Finally, I ask her, "How's your ankle?"

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