Chapter 1

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The annoying laughter from her classmates filled Evelyn's ears. She was laughed at before, but this time she had a strange feeling.

She couldn't see their faces - but they saw her. She was watched.

Evelyn's gaze remained still, at a light-emiting screen. Her eyes watered, but she didn't cry. The only difference seen by a normal person would be the glossening of her eyes.

Evelyn spun around in her chair to look in her mirror.

The mirror reflected everything - her home, her light-emiting screen, herself. She starred at the reflection's mouth - the same mouth that just sung one of her favourite songs, out of pure joy.


But now the mouth was still. She wasn't feeling joy anymore.


Of course, the world found a way to shut her up again...


"Huh? Yeah?" the girl who was called responded, being startled.

"Good, you can hear me. Sorry for shouting, I still don't understand this new technology." said the teacher, before sighing. "I was just telling you that if you feel like it, you are allowed to turn off your camera and calm yourself. Your eyes are watering"

"BOO-HOO! Poor little cry-baby needs some time off!!" shouted the class clown, making the entire classroom to burst into laughter.


Evelyn didn't say another word. She just closed of her camera as told.

She didn't calm herself - she didn't need to. She wasn't in the wrong. What made her classmates laugh wasn't her fault... not entirely...

She stood in her chair for the rest of the hour, studying among her classmates - although even her friends couldn't see her now.

She was all alone. No one helping her go through these times. While everyone was living their best life at school, she stood as the only one stuck behind a screen.

Dear diary,

I don't know what I did wrong today.
Everybody else sings out of joy, so why can't I?
It is not the fact that I am a terrible singer, is it?
I've been taking lessons for a while now...
Maybe I am just overthinking.
I am going to go to sleep now.
As if that would help...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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