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I was on my bed, kissing my boyfriend, Lucas. I pulled away due to breathlessness. And he muttered something to himself.

"What?" I questioned. He began to stare his eyes into mine. I was getting pretty confused. "What?" I muttered again.

"Run. Run for your life." Lucas gave me a serious look. My blue eyes widened.

"What? Why would I?" I muttered.

Then I heard my alarm clock go off. Beep Beep. I jump out of bed angrily, having that dream after he went missing two days ago.

"Hazel! There's someone here for you!" My mother yells out. After I was finished with my hair, I went downstairs to see a special someone. My best friend Zara standing in the living room. Zara is skeletal and quite petite and she's very gifted. She's my only ever friend right now.

"Hey." I smiled as we are walking out the door. Before I shut the door behind me, I yell. "Bye mom!" I wave.

"You okay?" Zara wondered with a worried facial expression. Zara is the friend who knows when something is wrong. I shrug my shoulders.

"I had a dream of Lucas." I muttered while trying not to cry. I do miss him, he made me feel so special.

"Of what?" She questioned. I wasn't really going to tell her what we did in my dream, so I tell her his words.

"He told me to run away or something. I was curious and then my alarm clock decided to go off."

"Maybe it's a sign." Zara turned her back at me. "Maybe he got kidnapped and the person is coming for you." Zara shrugged.

"Seriously? You need to put that in my head now?" I scoffed as I walked to my locker. My eyes roam the halls until I see Lucas's friends. They're not the nicest. I saw a tall girl standing in front of me in the corner of my eye.

"You okay?" It was Principal Em. She put her hand on my shoulder. I nod my head forcefully.

"Yeah." I smile.

"I know he was your friend, hopefully the police will find him soon." Principal Em added and walked away. My smile faded. I head to class, while kids are staring at me.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I growled at some girls. Mrs. Jensen then walks in the class.

"Good morning class." Mrs. Jensen announced. "As you all know, you're not going to be high school students next year, I'm going to start off by choosing partners and you two have to fill in the blanks on a piece of paper about each other , I'm going to give you. Who would like to pass them out?"

I rose my hand in the air, desperately trying to get her attention. Mr. Jensen smiles at me.

"Hazel." She hands me the paper as I gave them to four tables. I hurried back in to my seat. I zoned out until I heard my name.

"Hazel Reed and Troy Lawrence. Also as soon as I said your name please sit next to them."

I groan. Troy is a popular and hateful jock. Anyone but him. In the corner of my eye, I see Troy sit next to me next to the empty desk close to me.

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