Chapter 3

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hey everyone,
sorry about the long waits between chapters. i'm sure you've all heard the heartbreaking news and it's made me a little unmotivated to write to be honest with you. however, i still have a lot of love in my heart for satogou and will continue to write it <3

also, i added a lot of references to real music and TV and stuff into this. i hope that isn't too weird for people c:

"You're kidding."

"What?" Ash asked, looking up at me, sucking on the straw stuck in his... milkshake, if you could even call it that.

"What is that abomination?" I asked, taking the seat opposite him in the booth. Gary was beside me, sipping on his normal milkshake. Ash's was a rainbow of colours, topped with cream, countless different fruits, sprinkles, and even marshmallows, I think. It was painful to even look at, never mind drink. "Most people just get strawberry or chocolate, you know."

"I'm not most people," he bragged, grinning. "Besides, that's so boring. No offence," he added, looking at Gary.

"I've gotta agree with Goh on this one," Gary said, his arm draped over the back of the booth. It felt a little surreal to be sitting there with him and Drew. They were like... the school version of celebrities, as lame as that sounds. "That shit looks disgusting."

The server placed my strawberry milkshake in front of me, and I thanked her as Ash shook his head in mocking disappointment opposite me. I stuck my tongue out and leaned in to try it. They were always really good from that place. I hardly ever went, because Chloe never really asked, and who else would I have gone with?

"So Ash," Gary started, propping his elbows up on the table. "Anyone you've got your eye on yet?"

"Hmm?" Ash hummed, acting like he didn't understand the question, but he couldn't have been that dense, right?

"Girls," Gary clarified, frowning. Ash frowned back, shrugging. I waited impatiently for his answer.

"Haven't really paid that much attention."

Gary laughed, amused because he probably couldn't imagine not paying girls much attention. He probably paid attention to nothing else. "Damn. Serena will be heartbroken."

Ash raised an eyebrow. I took another long sip of the milkshake, pretending not to be all that interested in the conversation as Ash said: "I don't really remember who that is."

I almost laughed then, too. I was starting to think he maybe was that dense and honestly, that was okay with me. It was better than having to listen to him entertain the mindless conversation with Gary. I looked left to where he was sitting. "I thought Serena was your girlfriend."

He twisted his face a little. "Nah. Not yet, anyway, right?" He laughed, leaning over to nudge Drew. "What about you, Goh?"

I tried to act natural and not seize up. Whether I was convincing or not, I don't know. "Nope, no one."

"Ah, I'll fix that for ya," he said confidently, putting his arm around my shoulder. I hoped I wasn't blushing, and looked across at Ash, who was smiling back. "I'm the best wingman ever. Isn't that right, Drew?"

"I got May all on my own," he scoffed. Gary rolled his eyes, gesturing rudely over the table at Drew, who started playfully kicking him under the table.

"Can you believe this asshole?" Gary said jokingly to me, pointing with his thumb at Drew. "I mean, who even invited him?"

I laughed, and realised I was genuinely enjoying myself. I was out socialising with new people, and I didn't hate it. It was almost... concerning. We stayed another hour until it started to get dark outside, and Gary and Drew left to go back to Gary's house. For a brief moment, I stupidly considered asking Ash if he wanted to come home with me. But I wasn't sure what we'd even do, and we weren't that close yet, so we went our separate ways.

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