The Letters

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Tuesday 2nd July

Hey Robin,

I hope you don't mind me sending a letter, it's a lot easier for me cause Meena's always hogging the phone. To be fair Kamal has gone through other people's mail in the past but the letter does always get back to me... eventually.

Anyway, I just thought I'd send this to see if it was ok and that it would get to you alright. My address is below so you can send a response or just call if it's not your thing.

See you tomorrow,



Wednesday 3rd July


I didn't catch you today, are you ill? I can bring some of my mom's famous soup if you like. It's practically magic! Seriously you'll be better in, like, a day. Or maybe not a day, that might be an exaggeration but you'll be better in no time.

I missed you today. And my daily dose of ice cream! What the hell Robin? It was weird no one being in today, did Steve get you sick or something? cause he wasn't in today either. No one was for a while actually, I'm surprised that small annoying girl from before wasn't sniffing about, hoping to steal some ice cream whilst no one was there.

Kate wouldn't shut up about how she was gonna shoot her shot with Steve today as well. If you see him maybe let him know, he seems to be having trouble with the ladies recently.

Anyway, if you want that soup let me know, I'll be round like the Flash.




Thrusday 4th July


Where were you today? I'm worried about you. If you're ill you could at least call me. Or if you just want me to fuck off and leave you alone let me know and I will. I just want to know you are ok. Whether you believe it or not, I do care about your safety and you. With all the weird things going on round here recently...

Just let me know you're alive and not like that Barbra girl, or Bob Newby.

I miss you. Ugh, that's so stupid, it's only been a few days. I'm probably worrying over nothing. But, on the off chance that I'm not, please send a reply, or call, or come round- you have my address now, send a message via spirits if you have to! Just please put my mind to rest.

You already know who from


Thursday 4th July


I knew the chance of you showing were low, for all I know you're dead in a ditch. I called, your mom picked up, she said you hadn't been home in a while. If you are dead (please dear all things good and holy I hope you're not) I'll miss you, a lot. I already do. Which is strange because we haven't known each other long, been friends for even less.

Maybe it's seeing you almost every day or maybe it's just you but for some reason, I feel like we've known each other for ages.

your mum said she'd call if they found you, the police that is. They're looking for you. Of course, you're not home so you won't see this but if- when they bring you home and you read this I hope you know if you ran away I was hoping they don't find you, if you were kidnapped I was praying they did.

I'm going to stay up waiting for your mom's call because I'm unnecessarily worried and couldn't sleep even if I wanted to.

Don't send a letter when they find you, I need to either hear your voice or see your face.

Please be ok,

Your incredibly concerned Jaya


Tuesday 9th July

My incredibly concerned Jaya,

I can, of course, put your worries to rest. I'm not dead in a ditch nor was I kidnapped... you know that by now, obviously. I just left your house as of writing this. I've been trying to write this since I got home last Thursday. My bin is full of drafts that just weren't good enough for you. Cause you're great, and you deserve great.

Your concern means a lot to me and I'm sorry you stayed up so late for me. But I am glad for it, as horrible as that is, it means- hopefully- you care about me as much as I care about you. Which would be great cause we don't need a whole unrequited thing.

I am sorry, by the way. Really sorry, that it took me so long to talk to you, that I left you in the dark, that I robbed you of sleep that night (haha).

See you Thursday,

Your incredibly sorry Robin

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