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"Miku..? Are you there?.."

The silhouette stepped into the void, the familiar feeling making contact with their skin. Mafuyu began to walk through the Sekai, searching for Miku.

A familiar figure came up.
It was Ena.

Ena seemed to be ranting about something to Rin, so they approached Luka. She felt a swift tap
on the shoulder.

"Luka..have you seen Miku anywhere..?" Mafuyu smiled, looking up at the pink haired figure.

"Oh? Miku? She went that way, she seemed to be distraught." Luka said, before walking off to Rin.
Mafuyu nodded and made her way.

They walked on for a while, passing the beams of iron and steel, in taking the surroundings. The memory of the first time they entered the world. The void, so comfortable, so memorable, so nostalgic.

Mafuyu caught up to Miku, who seemed to be sitting there, thinking. Mafuyu sat down next to her, quiet.

"Miku..." they began, empty.

"Mafuyu? Shouldn't you be asleep by now? Ena told me you were logging off. I thought you wouldn't come to sekai today." She spoke with a monotone voice and a straight face, turning her head to face the distraught figure.

"Miku..I don't know. I think I've found more about my identity."
Mafuyu looked away from the twin tailed girl, looking up at the white empty sky of the sekai.
How Mafuyu wished to be there. To be free from restraints, to freely identify and discover true emotion.

"That's good, Mafuyu," Miku spoke gently, breaking the silence and looked at Mafuyu. "You may...Tell me,"  She spoke emptily at this time, a reflection of Mafuyu's own feeling.

"I still.." They swallowed, empty and staring back at Miku. "I still kind of..want to disappear. It's more than just the pressure. More to the identity, Miku. I don't like my own body." 
Mafuyu grit their teeth, clenching their fist with a straight face. Looking away, Mafuyu continued.

Mafuyu muttered up their courage and coughed, speaking to Miku. " would you feel..if I wanted to be a boy..? I don't know...What Mizuki told me makes me comfortable.."

"..Mafuyu. I'm here for you, however you feel. Your own feelings affect and created this Sekai. Please. Don't overwhelm your mentality." Miku put a hand on the distraught figure's shoulder, embracing them in a motherly hug. "If your mother..if your mother doesn't approve, You can come to us."
Miku comforted the figure who simply lost themself, becoming similar to a small child.
Mafuyu teared up emptily.

" should I tell the others...? Ena and Kanade don't know yet and are suspicious. Mizuki, mizuki helped me and knows.." Mafuyu laid there emptily, overwhelmed by confusion and guilt as they stayed there, looking at Miku.

"Tell them whenever you're ready. Whenever you get the courage. If it makes you feel could always ask Mizuki to cut your hair. Simply they must have experience." Miku gave the distraught child a slight smile, but filled with warmth as she patted the sobbing child's head.

"That would make me happy..I can't cut it too short, though. Mother will get suspicious..father will get suspicious.. at least my classmates will compliment my hair..and I'll make an excuse for it at home." Mafuyu reluctantly looked up, tired and fatigued.

" should be asleep by now," Miku reminded, helping Mafuyu sit up. "you can stay here and sleep, or head back to your room. Whatever makes you comfortable. We're here for you."

They sighed, nodding before standing up. "You're right, Miku. I haven't slept in my own bed in ages..I need to get comfortable again with myself. Maybe I'll ask Shizuku to help with my hair.."

Mafuyu paused for a moment, thinking, opening their mouth to speak, hesitant.
They changed their mind and shut it, before giving Miku a swift hug, and leaving the Sekai.
"Thank you Miku.. I feel better now.."

A white light appeared in the dark room, illuminating the waters and walls of their room. The silhouette reappeared as they stood in silence.

"I'm so tired.." they mumbled, walking to their bed. Mafuyu's face crumpled into a distraught look, uncomfortable. The thought of staying in their home here with their peer..

"......It'll be okay. I'm seeing Mizuki tomorrow..they'll help out."

The silhouette unfolded the sheets, climbing in and closing their eyes.

"......Goodnight, me.."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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