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"Mafuyu? Mafuyu- are you there?.." asked the girl with the brown hair. "Geez, come on- Kanade needs those lyrics of yours!"
Snapping out of the trance, the purple haired figure nodded in a reply. "Sorry, K. Sending them now."

Mafuyu moved their mouse, clicking on their key. The figure sent the message to the chat. "Here it is, K."

"Thanks, Mafuyu.. I'll get to work on combining it all together now." The silver haired girl nodded and muted herself on the call, beginning to work away. Kanade couldn't help but think something was wrong.

Kanade spin around in her hair, thinking for moment.
Mafuyu hasn't been herself lately..can I still save her? Am I out of time?..
no. I'm not too late yet. Everything is going to be fine, right?
Kanade minimized the call window, moving her mouse. She hesitated before clicking on Mafuyu's direct message.

K: Mafuyu are you okay
You've been out of it recently is there anything you need to talk about?

Kanade waited. And waited for a while. Sighing, the girl closed out the chat in disappointment and worry, going back to working on the composition...

And Mafuyu was talking to Mizuki.

Yuki: Mizuki, there's something I need to talk to you about. It's about my identity and my mother.

Amia: Sorry, I was talking to Enanan!
What is it you need help with?

Yuki: I've been feeling strange recently.


Yuki: Do you ever feel like you're not who you're supposed to be? I feel so uncomfortable when my mother calls me her "perfect little girl."
It's not what she says about being perfect. It's the fact that she's calling me a girl. I don't know what to do.

Amia: ..Mafuyu, you don't want to be called a girl?

Yuki: I don't know. It just feels wrong. Have you felt this way before? I don't know what to do.

Mizuki didn't know what to do. Mafuyu was someone who felt just like how they did.

How Mizuki felt on the rooftop, explaining everything to An, to Rui. Their closest friends- people who understood. The kids at school could never understand.

Mizuki didn't know if they should tell Mafuyu their secret too. Was the pink haired figure ready? We're they ready to-

To just reveal their whole identity to such a close friend? They could lose Mafuyu.

What if Mafuyu wasn't like them at all? What if Mafuyu was just confused and wouldn't accept who Mizuki was?
Worst case- what would happen if Mafuyu panicked?

Mizuki took a deep breath and decided to help Mafuyu.
It was the best thing they could do without suddenly revealing their secret. Was two years- Two years enough time for Mizuki to just spill out their secret to them?

Mizuki had been tainted before, gotten weird looks from the kids at Kamiyama.

"Akiyama dresses funny."

"Have you seen Akiyama? That kid should dress their gender. What kind of person doesn't? They're perverted. Gross."

"Look at them."

Mizuki took a breath and decided to chat back.

Amia: can I ask you a question about this
Yuki: Go ahead.

Amia: Do you want to be a boy? Or at least something other than a girl

Yuki: I'm not sure. Shizuku would still love me. I think I would love myself. But my mother..

Amia: If you think you could- be- you know- non-binary! Or trans masculine- you can keep it to yourself. You don't have to tell your mom. I'm here for you and if you do feel that way..
I'm here to help you.

Yuki: Thank you, Amia.. thank you. I'll take that into consideration. I kind of feel tired, though.. tell the others I've been out of it for a while. Fatigued. I think I've actually been overworking. Sorry.

Amia: Don't be sorry, Mafuyu! Take care! If you don't have any plans tomorrow on Saturday, meet me by the park in Miyamasuzaka~😇

Yuki: Alright.

The purple haired figure logged off after telling the others.

They glanced at their phone, thinking, thinking, thinking. The child pondered.

"Should I go to empty sekai tonight..? Or should I sleep in my room...what if mama checks on me.. she'll be angry.."

They thought for a moment, before grabbing their phone and clicking on the file, nervous.

"I feel so tired..I need to find Miku..I need to tell Shizuku about this..I need to.."

And so, the ravenette began to disappear into the light, fragments shattering.. the light blinding the dark room.

"Miku, I need to tell you something about my identity. I think I found something...I'm learning more about myself..."

And the silhouette of the child walked into the void.

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