Chapter 39

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Riley closed his eyes and hid his head between the table and his arms as he listened to the front door close

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Riley closed his eyes and hid his head between the table and his arms as he listened to the front door close.

"I do love you, Eran," he whispered aloud though his lover was already gone. "I want us to spend the rest of our lives together..." So why am I hesitating?

Riley knew that everything Eran had said was right-no matter how harsh it had been.

Before, I felt like I'd be fine if I only had Eranif it really was us against the world, I'd be fine. Happy. All I needed was his voice and body-his presence.

"I'm sorry, Eran. I do love you," he repeated. I already know you're the one I can trust and depend on most, and for as long as I love you, you'll love me back. But if I leave my dad, I'm abandoning him.

Riley's subconscious countered: He abandoned you, he'll do it again. He remembered Eran's words: 'Your dad doesn't plan on ever sharing a home with you again.'

It had started when Riley entered high school. His dad had probably been anticipating it so that he could finally go overseas to advance his photography career. But raising a kid in a foreign country, especially when you were never really home was hard. They moved back to Canada but Riley had missed practically a year's worth of Canadian curriculum and had to start grade 9 from scratch. When Riley turned seventeen, his dad packed them up and they moved to the current town, with the excuse of living closer to the prestigious private school Riley now attended.

 When Riley turned seventeen, his dad packed them up and they moved to the current town, with the excuse of living closer to the prestigious private school Riley now attended

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Riley's dad raised and shook the school's brochure beside his shoulder. "If you get into this school, you'll have a load of opportunities, Riley. You can have a future much better than your dad's." He chuckled. "So study hard, eh?"

 "So study hard, eh?"

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