not the time

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scarlett walked into the venue, hand in hand with jack. it was huge. big chandeliers, tables and chairs everywhere, and lots of people. there were tables for each player and they all sat their families and friends. scarlett didn't look around too much because she was greeted by jacks family.

his mom was a beautiful blonde woman, she could've been a model. scarlett almost thought she was. his dad could've been right next to her on the cover. though, he looked like a good business man more than model. his sister, who's one year older than him, looked a lot like jack. his brother is extremely tall, he looked more like the dad while jack and his sister looked more like their mom.

"oh my goodness, it's so nice to finally meet you, dear!" his mom smiled so brightly that if it wasn't rude scarlett would've shielded her eyes. "i've heard so much about you!" she brought scarlett in for a hug as jack smiled at the two.

"it's so nice to meet you too, mrs. jones." scarlett said as they pulled away from the hug. she was so nice, so welcoming.

"oh, call me victoria, please." she said looking around the room. "this is my husband, james." she grabbed his hand and directed him towards the conversation.

"this must be scarlett." he raised his eyebrows, questioning and she nodded. "well, it's very nice to meet you, scarlett." he shook the girls hand. "i'll go get our table, i'll save you two seats." he nodded while the two parents went off and sat down.

"they're so nice." scarlett looked towards jack who was beaming, this was going great. scarlett didn't even know why she was nervous in the first place anymore.

"they love you, scar." jack said as his sister came over. "this is amelia-"

"she knows who i am dumbass," his sister cut him off with an eyeroll sending scarlett a smile. "we did cheer and volleyball together. you're still playing right?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"yeah, i'm actually captain of both teams." scarlett nodded shyly.

amelia's face lit up. "that's amazing, we have so much to catch up on! we'll see you later, jack. amelia grabbed scarlett's hand and brought her over to the drink table where they could talk.

jack was about to go sit down but was stopped when his name was called. "jack, hey." adam said from behind the boy. jack stopped in his steps, his eyes widening. he completely forgot adam was going to be here. well, at least he knows it's pretty official now, jack thought.

"uh, hey banks. what's up, man?" jack smiled awkwardly, turning towards adam.

"nothing much, y'know? so..uh, you brought scarlett, huh?" adam looked over to where scarlett was, making jack turn his head.

"well yeah, i told you we were uh, y' now." jack shrugged, looking around. he wanted to roll his eyes when he saw nancy. "i see you brought your girlfriend. if i could even call her that." he mumbled.

"yeah, and i better be getting back before my mom rips her head off. she hates her." adam sighed, shaking his head. it's been an on going problem between nancy and adam's mom. his mom loves to make comments about her and their relationship. all of them extremely accurate though, not shockingly.

'she's too bratty, adam. she's needy, and you're too nice for a girl like that.'

'it just doesn't seem right to me, adam. there's better people out there.'

and adam's personal favorite, sarcasm noted;

'she's just not scarlett.'

adam felt like saying, 'well obviously, no one will ever be like scarlett.' but he couldn't. that made it sound like she lost him. but she didn't loose him. even if she didn't know, she would always have adam. even if he didn't admit that to himself.

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