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Happiness is all around
You just need to take a round

It's hidden in that musical sound
It's hidden in those choclate wrapper you ate last night
It's hidden in you hairs while you are playing with it
It's hidden in those giggling gossips
It's hidden in those late night deep talks
It's hidden in the smile which appears on your lips when you look yourself in mirror
It's hidden in those murmuring between class
It's hidden in ever funny drawing you make
It's hidden in all those senseless fights with your bestie
It's hidden in messages from long lost friends
It's hidden in the first bite of your fav food

It appears in form of smile
You don't  need to go miles
You just need to open your eyes
Your heart will be filled with delight

As people say
You just need  to see the way
World is full of happiness and love
Spread it throughout just like dove

(Dove- it's a bird used to convey message in older days)

COL: Colours_of_LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon