The Journey Begins

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"I will not have this fight with you again Boromir of Gondor. I am just as capable as you. Just because my people are not constantly fighting with Mordor orcs does not mean that we do not know pain and suffering." Elfwyn says, for probably the thousandth time since the council meeting.

"And what of your people? Do you really think with your father... being as he is... that they will be fine?"

"Don't, for one second, act like you care about the state of Rohan. And I would worry about your own problems. The gods know there are many." He passes me an angry look before stalking off across the courtyard.

"You should not fight with him. There will be plenty of opportunity for fighting later." Gandalf says as he walks up beside her.

"It's easier to fight with him than anything else. We've been like this since we were children. There's another reason why Gondor and Rohan keep their missives to a minimum. Our fathers cannot handle it when we're in the same city." She turns to look at him and he seems to be deep in thought. "What is it Gandalf? Something is troubling you."

He shakes his head. "It is nothing. Just a shadow, a thought of what is to come. Do not trouble yourself with it."

The next morning they gather at the entrance to Rivendell, with Lord Elrond and a group of elves to see us off. "The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you." He says, sending them off.

Elfwyn bows her head in respect before turning to Gandalf. "The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer." Frodo takes one last look around Rivendell before turning towards the arch and heading out. He turns left and they set out on their quest. She lets out a deep sigh and move towards the middle of the company, where Legolas, Merry and Pippin are walking.

"What is your home like, my lady?" Merry asks one night as they stop to rest.

She smiles fondly, thinking of the rolling plains and wild horses that roam them. "It is quite different than Rivendell, and from the little I've read of the Shire, from your home as well. We are a simple people. We do not have fancy acropolises like Gondor, nor do we have beautiful forests like here. There are rolling hills, and many, many horses that call the plains home."

"Even the elves, with all of their gifts with the natural order of things, admire the skills of the horse lords." Legolas says from the other side of the fire. As if to prove his point, Bill, the pony they saved from Bree, neighs in response, easing the tensions that came with traveling.

"And yet I have never been able to calm a steed as beautifully as what I have witnessed in Rivendell." She grows quiet, thinking of her stallion that had been left in the care of Elrond, hoping she would be lucky enough to get back to him, when this was all over. "You and your kin are truly blessed."

The Fellowship continued on their trek for many days and many nights, but still time seemed fleeting. While they might have traveled far past the safety the borders of Rivendell offered them, they were no closer to reaching their destination than before. "We must hold this course, west of the Misty Mountains, for 40 days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there, our road turns east to Mordor." Gandalf relays to Legolas and Elfwyn when they come for a rest and a midday meal. Sam hands out plates of food to everyone as Merry and Pippin receive simple sword training from Boromir.

While the others are busy watching the practice, she tends to Bill. The pony was hardy and didn't put up a fuss about the long days and sometimes short nights. She whispers to him in Rohirric and this seems to make him happy, his ears perked up and swiveling around as he gives her his utmost attention. "If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not... I'd say we were taking the long way 'round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." Gimli tells him.

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