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Now you know if you don't get pick you have to say at Gale house ok my mother says I nod I heat the whistle sounds telling us that the ceremony will begin soon I head downstairs and see my father waiting for me daddy I say and hug him good luck prim he say and kiss me thanks dad I say and head out the door and hear about time you come through the door my friend Madge says we've been friends since first day of kindgranden she always there when you need her and a phone call away well hi to you to I say come on she says we don't want ro be late she says who cares if were later to this stupid ceremony anyway Jasmine say walking up to us this day is rhw most annoyances my mother is rhw most means on this day and annoying but it is nice she gone for a while get out of my hair she says tell me about it I say hey there just worrie because they both have been through this a ready madge is right my mother doesn't want me or Rye in games but they pick his name two years ago my mom was a mess and so scared he won't come back I was too I thought I lost my big brother we head towards the square we there are peacekeepers making people get into four line I get to front of the line were a peacekeepers lady says next and takes my hand and takes my blood then put it on page scan it and says go ahead there are to big group boy side and girls side little kids in front older in back I stand in middle next Madge Jasmine a few rows behind us joel on side row next to me lip speaking the words kill me now I
The ceremony about to begin my parents Rye and Uncle Haymitch and other people I don't know come through justice building door and sit the Victors sit on stage to remember then then my aunt Effie come on stage with her capital wear I hate when she wears that she look weird and not human when games can back they asked her have her old job back she didn't want to at first then she found out how the whole gang had to be back part of games she give in Welcome Welcome Welcome to the four annual hunger games now it time for us to select this year man and woman tributes always lady's first she says Effie walk over to the big fish bowl and get the first envelope and walk back to microphone the female tribute of district 12 is she opens the envelope everyone on pin and needles as she opens the envelope hoping there names doesn't get pick district 12 female tribute is she looks a little sad and says Primrose Mellark Chapter 3 part one out of four
My aunt Effie opens the envelope looking a little sad then before saying Primrose Mellark o my God my name my name madge look at me with a shock and confused look where are you dear my aunt Effie says I start walking throw crowd Joel look at me from his side all mad and upset I get throw the crowd and make my way slowly to stage come on dear my anut say a little sad I walk up to steps I see my mom trying to hold back tears in her eyes Rye look very pissed and my dad sit so upset and ready to punch something uncle Haymitch has his head down shaking his head aunt Effie meets me up the stairs and walk me over to the side of microphone well she say look all give a big hand for our female tribute miss Primrose Mellark everyone starts to do the three fingers salute I stand the a little lost looking at all thw face who salute me and now my anut effie says for the boys she walk over to the big fish bowl full of names pick up first envelope walks over to microphone and says thw boy tribute of district 12 is Kevin Smith I seen Kevin a few times in school he was mostly quite in school but he did help me when this guy John was picking at me in hallway trying to start a fight I thank him of course but he ran so fast after that I haven't talked to him since then we were 12 at time Kevin makes his way up the stage anut effie meets him at top help walk him over ans says your tributes of district 12 Primrose Mellark and Kevin Smith the peacekeepers comes over and takes us through door of justice building

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