Chapter Two: Woe Is The Loneliest Number 1.Confusion

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~This story is about to take a dark turn. Usually I love dark turns like when the carousel brakes mysteriously fell at my eight birthday party. But not this one.~

"How could you miss a dead body?" I asked the sheriff.

"Cause it wasn't there. No footprints, no blood, no signs of strugle, nothing, nada. My search party looked all night." He sighed.

"Well your search party must've let their seeing-eye dogs at home. I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me. Kate saw it too." I hate to bring her up in this discussion, but she was the only witness.

"Got a good look at this monster thing?" The sheriff asked.

"It didn't stick around for a chat."

"How do we know it wasn't in fact your little friend? I know her family's backstory. She's a monster." The sheriff said. Now how dare you-

"Sheriff, I find that statement offensive." Principal Weems interjected.

"Well I don't care, cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue. Hikers just ripped apart in the woods." He said.

"It wasn't her. She was there before and after the monster came. She saw it too, it even tried to attack her." I replied sternly. The sheriff raised his hands in defense.

"The mayor said those were just bear attacks." Miss Weems said confused.

"Well the mayor and I disagree on that."

"So you automatically assume
a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there no concrete evidence for a crime that was never commited." Miss Weems kept trying to defend her school.

"Im sorry. I forgot, you only teach the
good outcasts here right?" The sheriff rolled his eyes.

"My guess is that Rowan ran away, State troopers have put out and alert,
and I've contacted his family, but they haven't heard from him either" Miss Weems tried to make an excuse.

  "Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls."

"Well what were you two doing out in the woods with him, Ms. Addams?" questioned the sheriff .

"I heard a noise in the forest and I went to go investigate. That's when I stumbled upon the attack. Kate only followed me to make sure I was safe." I explained.

"Then what happened?" He kept asking questions.

"Then we ran into Bianca Barclay and Kate told her to go for help. Next thing I remember I was awaking in our dorm."

"And to be clear, this monster wasn't wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?"

I sigh. "Ive hibernated with grizzlies. I know the difference."

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