part 2

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# Harry
I woke up from sleep in the morning ready to record a new solo song....Yes, I'm working on a new album
After I woke up and did the morning routine..
I came downstairs and saw Olivia
Harry: Good Morning sweetheart 'and I gave her a kiss'
Olivia: Good Morning, darling
Come on, let's eat together
Harry: Yes.. Come on
#After an hour
I went into the studio and started recording the song
After the end
I got a call from Zain
Harry: Hello
Zain: Hello, How Are you
Harry: okay, how about you
Zayn: in the best case
Are you ready for the party
Harry: a party ....What party
Zayn: I knew you would forget
Graduation ceremony.. Do you remember your father's friend
Harry: Yes .
Zayn: he decided to do a concert for his daughter that she likes our band very much
Come on, come and train.
Harry: okay ....Coming up
Arrived at the training place
And I saw the boys sitting waiting for me
Harry: Hi guys
Boyz: Hi, Harry.
Louie: You're late😒
Neil: I'm hungry
Zayn: shut up, Neil
Liam: come on, let's train
# After 3 hours
Niall: I'm tired...I'm really hungry
Louie: me too
Harry: When is the graduation ceremony?
Liam: two weeks later
Zayn: I will go now
Louie: where.
Zayn: I I have a date with my sweetheart
Good-bye, guys.
Harry: What are we going to do now
Niall: I'm going to order food.
Louie: for us and not alone
Neil: I know
Liam: Harry, have you finished recording a new album
Harry: almost..
Neil: the food has arrived, come on
Harry: now I'm going to see you
Boyz: bye bye
I arrived home and it was empty I thought Olivia had left
I've been neglecting myself for a while now....
I want to sleep now I feel tired
Before I went to bed, I texted Olivia to check on her...
I don't know .I feel alone....I said goodbye to her and then went to sleep.

#Two weeks later
# Emily
I can't believe it. I succeeded
And the concert the day after tomorrow...I can't believe I'm going to see him
Today I'm going to buy new clothes for the party
Emily: mom, I'm going to go out with Robbie so we can buy some things..
Mom: Well, honey, don't be late
I got to the mall and saw Ruby
Emily: Hello
Ruby: finally you came 😒
Emily: come on, let's buy
Are you going to buy something specific
Ruby: yes, I will buy a black dress, you know, my darling likes this color on me
And you
Emily: nothing specific
This shop is beautiful, let's go in
After a while of searching I chose a simple white dress
It has a short golden belt at the knee
And Ruby chose a short black dress
After the end of shopping we went to the beauty salon
And then we went to McDonald's
And we ate...
Emily: today was great
Ruby: yeah..
Tomorrow will be even more wonderful 😉
Emily: you're right...
Come on, I'll be late..
I got to the House...And I went to my room...I changed my clothes and went downstairs
Emily: Daddy ... I miss you
Father: little one.... Me too
How was your day
Emily: it was great and I bought a new dress that I will wear tomorrow.
Father: good
Come on, go to your room, it's late
Emily: well good night Daddy.


Love you all. H××××

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