Old friends, old enemies

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"ALICE!" screamed Rin, disturbed, tearing Snow White out of her trance. "GET AWAY! THESE ARE OUR ENEMIES!"

"Your enemies, not mine!" the girl growled back and pushed a snow-white strand of hair behind her ears. She looked different, her hair lighter, her skin pale. What happened?

"YOU WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR THE DEATH OF MY DAUGHTER!" screamed Cora, her voice echoing menacingly on the walls and the floor shaking.

"Regina is dead?" whispered Rin and the princess at the same time. Tears filled the girl's eyes. That couldn't be! It shouldn't be!

"Snow White... dear... give us your so-called friends. You don't know what you're getting yourself into!" said her mother in a loving tone.

"There is no reason to fight you, Princess of Sonon. We will not harm you, I promised your mother and I keep my promises. So give me my brother!" Harry explained, bowing his head respectfully. She knew that by promising he meant that he could marry her.

"And I want my sister!" said Alice grimly.

"ALICE! What's the matter! Why are you helping them?" asked Rin confused.

"I know everything!" said the witch with a smile. "EVERYTHING! I KNOW EVERYTHING YOU MURDERER!" her voice suddenly thundered furiously over the ruins.

"What are you talking about?" the apple whispered, still loud enough for all to hear.

"I'M TALKING ABOUT MOTHER! I'M TALKING ABOUT OUR VILLAGE AND THE DAY IN THE MOUNTAINS! I'M TALKING ABOUT YOUR ACTS!" Snow White had never seen the girl so angry, the short time she had shared with Alice she seemed so calm and level headed.

Rin was silent for a while, whether it was out of guilt or speechlessness she couldn't tell. "I don't quite understand, you knew it all along. I never denied it, I stand by my actions. I killed her, yes! I don't regret it! The only thing I regret is that you had to see it!" the girl then replied.

"YOU MANIPULATED MY MEMORIES!" reproach echoed through the ruins. Everyone stared back and forth between the twins, speechless.

"NO!" There was desperation in Rin's voice.


"BECAUSE YOU ARE A MONSTER! YOU ARE A KILLER! A MONSTER! A LIAR AND I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR IT!" Alice took a step forward, her hands clenched, her eyes full of anger and determination. But Cora held her back.

"Not here, not now. Take it easy, child!" said the queen calmly to the witch. Without saying another word, Alice took a few steps back and disappeared into the shadows of the ruins.

"Give us these traitors! Now!" her mother commanded once more. Snow White's gaze slid to Yokai lying dazed on the floor and then back to her opponents.

"Listen to them...don't put yourself in danger for us." Rin's voice sounded soft and full of regret.

"We got you into something there, there's no reason for you to fight for us!"

Snow White started to smile. "Yes, I have a reason. No, not just one!" she explained and picked up her bow. Again the apple worried about her. These people were her friends, they accepted and welcomed her as she was. Even if it cost her life, she would fight for them.

"DON'T BE STUPID CHILD!" her mother thundered indignantly. Harry unsheathed his sword.

"SNOW WHITE, HARRY IS OLDER THAN I AM, YOU'VE NO CHANCE!" Harvey admonished, startled

"Don't do it, they will hurt you" Mary also asked worriedly. Hazelnut sat whimpering next to her master.

"If I were to give up now, all our efforts would be for naught," said the princess, trying to suppress the trembling of her hands.

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