Won the task

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Whole night Manik sat under tree, he played with children around him, ate food, at night he dreamed about Nandini, her eyes, those lips 👄 and her sharp look made Manik hiss and groan whole night, he is sleepless, he dreamt about Nandini cuddling with him, her very soft body in his arms, he is beyond aroused, he is in pain, he just want to get up and run to her, which he knows impossible. He then determined to marry her soon very soon.

Next day morning all assembled "what did you all decide?" Manik asked sitting comfortably. "We all thought about this he damaged our one child according to our law we should kill him but you promised to make things correct we accept it,but you asked for medicinal herbs which we never want to share with outsiders which is impossible" said forest king

Manik kept silence for few minutes,  he then spoke "how can we are outsiders or strangers to you? We gave you my brother as your son we are in laws by that we are family she will be always my sister" he smiled tight.
All looked at each other, they all laughed but head stood up "if our child feel anything wrong I will kill every person in your kingdom keep that in mind first"
"I agree, let me meet my brother once" Manik negotiated."you can but make choice either free your brother and take him with you along with our girl or take some medicinal plants leave your brother here, he will be among us" forest king gave choice
Manik laughed "king now you are testing me, of course I want medicinal plants more than anything but my brother is under my protection I can never let him away and I promised my father to protect him at any cost so I choose him but I will try to request you again and have big heart to give me some medicinal plants too."
King laughed "you are very wise man, good with words and best with looks why don't you stay here and marry someone here?"
"O king that is more alluring one, but I have one at home waiting for me without her permission I can't alone take decision so I am helpless" Manik said genuine
King bit his lip in disappointment "then take your brother only after marriage rituals" he said and left.

Manik is taken to Giridhar, who is in dungeon along with some animals, smelling like shit. Manik laughed a lot. Giridhar felt blood boiling and want to die that instant.
"You look awesome with your friends, feel free to spend time with them"
"You are not supposed to be here"
"Then why the hell did you send me letter to save you?"
Giridhar ego damaged "I didn't"
"Oooo then let me go away bye brother" he said bye to leave
"Wait" Giridhar said in hurry.
"What?" Manik asked with boredom expression.
"You can't just walk away like that?"
"Why not?"
"Take me from this place" he demanded
"Why? Because you are begging me? Then beg me properly" Manik said with stupid face
"Mind your tongue brother I don't beg"
"Then suffer I don't have time for this" Manik this time walked away
"Wait wait please..... take me from here" Girdhar gritted his teeth.
"That is something I should think but no I won't" Manik said with sweet smile "what?" Giridhar asked in shock.
"I came to see you in such position i did, now I can laugh for life time"
"You can't just go like that, what will you answer father and my mother"
"Why will I answer for your stupidity? No one can question me in first place so I am not accountable for you. I don't know your task I don't know where you are, I don't need to do anything with you according to our Guruji so nothing to answer or question" Manik shrugged, Giridhar stood stunned he don't know how to make him stop, having no choice he said "please take me away from here I can't stay like this"
Manik bit his cheek then looked at him "you damaged a village, you made a girl suffer for your lust what do you think they will let you out?"
"I know you do can that, do something"
"Request brother request me properly"
Giridhar groaned in annoyance "please"
"I have one solution but I know that it's impossible you can't do that so leave it! Let me go it's better anyways I won the task and I will be going to home soon"
"No no don't say that I will do anything"
"Anything? Nah! You just say that you can never agree for my proposal I am sure"
"No just say me already I accept it promise whatever it is, I have to get out of this" Giridhar is desperate
"It's your last choice think wise don't blame me see"
"I will never no I won't just give me solution"
"Marry that girl they will release you" Manik paused "see I said you won't agree better anyway I tried my work done I am going back, bye" Manik started walking slowly. When he is almost outside Giridhar agreed "I will marry her I will just get me out of here brother please"
"Are you sure? See if you marry her you have to look after her in best way if not they will kill you, next if you marry her she will be your first wife so without her permission you can't marry anyone nor make anyone your queen, she will be your queen so think wise"
"Do I have any choice?"
"Yes of course you can stay here and make them friends be happy" Manik shows pigs besides him
"Brother I know you very well they all already agreed when you gave them promise to make me marry that girl now stop acting and get me out of here, I will marry her" Giridhar said with sad face
"Wise man! But be wise to keep her happy too, if not this time you will be staying with crocodiles be ware" Manik throws keys and came out.

Giridhar is released, he is pissed on himself for flirting with the tribal girl, she is beautiful and naive it's not that Giridhar don't like her, she attracted him a lot, but he want to a Rajkumari as his queen not a naive and stupid girl like this. Manik is watching him keenly. He knows what what Giridhar can do. He is worried about girl too. If Giridhar is determined on something he don't hesitate to kill, and he don't want this cute little girl to be on leash, he silently prayed for her safety and care.

Marriage rituals were different but beautiful, Manik is enjoying a lot, he played with children, enjoyed forest culture, he missed his Nandini a lot, he missing her now a days lot, this marriage rituals made him think of her a lot "does she miss me too?" He asked himself this question a lot.

Here at Mahal, when king got letter from Manik his anger rises to peek, he want to kill Giridhar with bare hands, how can he be this stupid? He called his mother Mandakini, "did you see what your son has done?"
"What happened?"
"He damaged a girl dignity, he spoiled a village and made himself bandi with pigs in dungeon, is he really a Rajkumar? Where are his manners? Where is his dignity? Is this how you trained him? Listen to me carefully he will marry that girl, she will be our first bahu better treat her good if not I will kill you and your son in middle of forest, you will make sure she is good here in mahal. I am calling them back from Gurukul, your son failed in final task, so he is disqualified for Yuvaraj position, make everything perfect for new bahuranisa welcome I want everything perfect even your smile in rituals, I will invite all jamaisas, make preparations now, send queen to me we need to prepare things" he shouted on her
"But Prabhu! He is naive you can't just make him disqualified like such"
"Wow you are worried about his position not your bahu that is what he learnt from you Ranisa, stop fighting with me and go make preparations now" he ordered. Having no words or choice Mandakini left.

King and queen started preparations, they first sent khanoj ji to forest Where marriage is happening, he mingled with forest king gave details about their kingdom, gave them kings grants, letter of consent for marriage and relationship with them, he also gave bride lots of gifts, invited them all to mahal with him after marriage for celebrations.

Khanoj came to Manik "Pranam Mantrisa!"
"Pranam Rajkumar! How are you? Is training going well?"
"Yes Mantrisa, how is Masa?"
Khanoj gave Manik a letter, some sweets, and a gift. Manik smiled big, took everything thanked him "I didn't get anything from your house?" He asked in curiosity.
Khanoj first stunned then laughed "these are some sweets family made for you" he gave
Manik eyes shinned with hope, May be Nandini packed them for her.
Khanoj is surprised, while coming here his daughter Nandini packed them for him to eat i while travelling, they were somany, he asked why this much? She said to share with everyone, he didn't even dreamt of sharing with Manik but he felt good and a thought crossed his mind, "why can't I ask Nandini hand for Manik? Both are calm, wise, matches each other perfect and he is good at heart too" khanoj got big smile in hope now.

Marriage happened, khanoj took newly wedded couple to nagar. Manik bid them bye and came back to Gurukul. It is said that if younger boy got married before elder boy, elder one shouldn't be present in welcome rituals, so his mother informed Manik to stay back and come after rituals. His mother is worried about his marriage now, she is worried for his health, his returning late too. Manik laughed in disbelief about his mother how childish she is sometimes. He misses her a lot, then he looked at khanoj ji sweets he felt blushing for first time he didn't share them with anyone, he is eating them alone. He made a necklace with rare stones found near Gurukul as gift for first rasoi from her. Then he remembered that he has to inform his mother about his khanjar but felt shy.

When Manik returned Gurukul, his other three brothers didn't return back, his guru is proud of him as his expectations Manik is one who completed his task but also completed Giridhar task too, yes forest king gave Manik medicinal plants while returning
"Rajkumar you won my heart, not only you made us your relatives, you gave us justice too, now we became relatives of king which is greatest thing ever so as gratitude I want to gift you medicinal plants take them with you, these are very precious and rare plants I will tell you how to grow them" he explained Manik a very thing too.

"Rajkumar Manik! You won the task, you won my heart too, it's privilege to be your guru, I congratulate you to be our future Yuvaraj, I sent letter to king and made you my Yuvaraj so take my greeting 'Yuvaraj '" guru said hugging him. Manik felt great. He took blessings from Guru and guru matha, they both blessed him.

Manik completed training totally so he guru gave blessings and sent Manik home back. Manik with heavy heart to leave this place and Gurukul, happy heart to meet his mother and Nandini started his journey to mahal. To his life journey and to his fate .

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