Chapter 2

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Kyle wasn't sure who he thought he would be walking through his door, but the kid standing before him was not it.

"Are you Mia Truman's son?" he blurted.

The boy's face lit up. "Yeah, that's my mom. How'd you know?"

"You look just like her."

He truly did. Mia Truman was one of the most well respected nurses to work at Stone Community Hospital. She sometimes picked up orders for Dr. Jackson so Kyle had become well-acquainted with her.

Her son had her face. Round eyes with heart-shaped lips and a slightly pointed nose, but his skin tone was much lighter than hers. While Mia was blessed with a clear walnut complexion, her son had almond skin with freckles doting his face. His hair was golden brown and curly. The curls were more waves than corkscrews, and they fell about his face in a heavy cascade. They suited him well.

"If you don't mind my asking," Kyle said. He scratched his head in embarrassment. "Are you biracial by any chance?"

The younger man smiled vibrantly. "Come on, Mr. Richards. I grew up in this town. I graduated from Daluca's Pass High School two years ago."

"Please just call me Kyle." He frowned a bit. "What's your name?"

"Osprey Truman but you can call me Rey."

Realization hit Kyle. He remembered this kid. He was the one who had a weird name. He used to follow Mia around the maternity ward with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee toys.

"Why Osprey?" Again with his mouth? Why couldn't he get it under control? Why was he spouting off?

But Rey took it in stride. "My dad is an ornithologist. He studies birds first here and now back in his native Australia. His favorite bird to study is the osprey, hence my name."

Kyle nodded. "Well, I hope you get on well here. If you'll follow me, I'll show you the building."

Rey followed Kyle. He put his bag in his new locker and accepted the white chef's jacket. His personal one was black, but this one followed the blue, black, and white pattern of Kyle's Confectionery logo.

Kyle pointed out the bathroom for the staff and storage room. Across from the kitchen door were a freezer and fridge. The fridge on the left was half full with completed cakes. He paused to admire them, and it got his creative juices flowing.

Kyle turned to say something to Rey, but he wasn't behind him. He looked around to find him staring into the fridge. His green eyes roved over the finished orders with a keen gaze. Kyle remembered his own wonder when he first saw the wedding cake at his grandfather's wedding. He had been six and had known right then what he wanted to do with his life.

"Did you make these?" Rey asked. It sounded like a stupid question, but he was new. He wouldn't know who did what.

"I made the cakes, but Thomas made the toppers and decals. I can paint and design, but 3D is not my thing," Kyle said.

"I'm excited to start."

"Good. I have a couple of cakes in the fridge back here. We have the perimeters we need to hit but Thomas and I can't do it today. If you could work on it, even if it's just stacking it and wrapping it in fondant, that would be great."

Rey motioned him on, and Kyle turned towards the rest of the kitchen. One side was full of freshly baked pastries. Donuts, bear claws, eclairs, turnovers, croissants, and many more lay ready for sale. He flipped his finger through some of the cream in the bowl and tasted it.

"Add a tad more sugar, and it'll be perfect," he offered.

Kyle smiled. "Our truck runs today. That batch used the last of our available sugar. We usually do two batches worth to fill four dozen pastries." He turned around and grabbed a binder off the shelf by another door. "This is all the information on the cake. The customer is very flexible on the design, but these are the colors. Like I said, you can fill it, stack it and drape it if you want."

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